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Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Mountie pleads not guilty
An RCMP officer charged with assault pleaded not guilty yesterday.
Const. Cory Wallace is alleged to have assaulted a prisoner while escorting him from the Yellowknife courthouse on March 14. The prisoner was injured in the process.
His trial is scheduled to begin on April 22 and last two days.
- Daniel Campbell
NWT Rebels victorious
The NWT Rebels women's broomball squad is officially the best in the Pacific Rim.
The ladies claimed the Acacia Broomball Pacific Rim International title in Melbourne, Australia on Saturday after a 3-0 win over the New South Wales Sliders from Australia. The Rebels kept a clean sheet results-wise, winning five games and tying one.
Sherry Connors and Jenny Crawford were both named to the tournament all-star team. Crawford was also the top scorer at the tournament and was named the tournament's most valuable player. Tina Locke-Setter was named the championship game MVP.
- James McCarthy
Stanton receives $30,000
The Stanton Territorial Health Authority (STHA) has been chosen as one of 53 groups nationwide to receive funding through Bell's Let's Talk Funding campaign.
The money, $30,000, will go toward improving communication between STHA and smaller communities in the NWT and the Kitikmeot region of Nunavut, training front line staff in police, health and justice systems to respond to patients with mental health issues and to improve access to services in remote communities.
- Candace Thomson
Teen Driver Safety week
Across Canada, teenagers are being educated on the risks driving poses to them and being encouraged to improve on their skills during Teen Driver Safety Week, which runs from Oct. 18 to 26.
According to an Oct. 22 news release by the GNWT, 14 per cent of all collisions and 21 per cent of all alcohol- and drug-related collisions involve teen drivers. Youth between the ages of 15-19 were the most likely group to be involved in vehicle accidents after a 2011 study by the Department of Transportation found more than five per cent of drivers in that age group were involved in a collision.
- Candace Thomson
A kick at the AWGs
Rankin Inlet
Some intense soccer action was expected in Rankin Inlet this past weekend, as the community hosted the 15 and under Arctic Winter Games (AWG) identification tournament from Oct. 17 to 20.
Final results were not known as of press time.
Rankin will also host the 17 and under AWG identification soccer tournament this coming month, from Nov. 15 to 17.
Deadly accident
Repulse Bay
A single ATV accident claimed the life of a woman in Repulse Bay this past week.
The RCMP was not releasing a name or any further details of the accident as of press time.
Still searching
As of press time, search-and-rescue (SAR) members were still looking for a young Arviat hunter who had been missing for 10 days.
A Honda found on the land earlier in the week was determined not to belong to the missing hunter.
SAR members determined on Oct. 17 that they had exhausted every possibility of finding him to the north of Arviat, where it was generally believed in the community to be the area he had headed on his hunting trip.
The SAR members began searching to the south of the community the following day.
Bad weather hampered many of the SAR efforts during the first week. The young hunter is believed to have had a thermos with him, but no stove.
The young man had completed a pre-employment training program at the community's adult learning centre this past spring.
Uranium property acquired
Baker Lake
The Kivalliq Energy Corp. announced this past week it had finalized a strategic addition to its project portfolio, by acquiring a uranium exploration property in the prospective Baker Lake Basin.
The company acquired the property from Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd.
Subject to approvals, it is expected Kivalliq Energy Corp. will acquire 100 per cent of Pacific's ownership interest in the property, which represents 232,262 acres of the southern boundary of the basin.
More than $7 million has been spent in exploring the property since 2006.
The final summary of the acquisition of 600,000 shares shows a $55,000 cash payment and $70,000 in the private placement purchase of Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd. units.
Puck time
Rankin Inlet
The Rankin Inlet Senior Men's Hockey League has announced it will begin play for the 2013-14 season on Monday, Oct. 28.
The league will feature single-game action on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and a double-header on Sunday.
Ref clinic
Rankin Inlet
It is hoped more than 20 would-be officials from Rankin Inlet and Arviat will attend a Level 1-3 official's clinic in Rankin on Nov. 2.
The clinic is set to be held at the curling lounge in the arena.
The clinic will be delivered by Level 4 official Darrell Greer, and anyone interested in giving hockey officiating a try is welcome to attend.
The course gets underway at 10 a.m. and runs throughout the day.