Stolen kayaks returned
Off-duty RCMP officer locates boats while walking his dogs
Daniel Campbell
Northern News Services
Published Thursday, October 17, 2013
James Hodson, president of the Somba K'e Paddling Club, said he didn't expect to see his stolen kayaks again.

James Hodson, president of the Somba K'e Paddling Club, picked up the three stolen kayaks from the Yellowknife RCMP on Monday. - photo courtesy of James Hodson
Three kayaks, along with helmets, paddles and life jackets were taken when their lockup at the Ruth Inch Memorial Pool was broken into in late July.
Hodson and other paddling enthusiasts were in for a surprise this Thanksgiving weekend, when an off-duty RCMP officer found the stolen gear near Kam Lake while walking his dog.
"We weren't expecting they were coming back," Hodson said.
Yellowknife RCMP say they haven't laid any charges in the incident. The constable who found the kayaks had received a tip of their location. He headed out to a boat launch on Kam Lake, near Curry Drive on Sunday to check it out.
"He found our club's name and e-mail on the inside of the boat, so he picked them up and brought them to the detachment," Hodson said.
The kayaks, which cost about $1,000 each, were causing some stress to the club. A recent workshop for children had to be cut back because of the losses over the summer. Hodson said he was planning on fundraising to replace the equipment.
"This means we can now accommodate three more kids at the pool sessions," he said.
Hodson wanted to thank the RCMP officer who took the time to follow up on the tip, as well as Yellowknifer for getting the word out.
The club has installed a heavier-duty lock on the door to its lockup. Hodson doesn't know why the lockup was broken into in the first place, as he says it looks like the kayaks were hardly used.