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Scuffle with RCMP leads to fine Man drawing chalk on building resisted arrest
Daniel Campbell
Northern News Services
Published Friday, August 9, 2013
What was meant to be an innocent display of public art turned into a confrontation between an RCMP officer and a city artist two summers ago.
36-year-old Michael Penney was fined $250 on Wednesday for obstruction of justice after he resisted arrest on June 6, 2011.
Penney was drawing with chalk on the side of a GNWT building near the airport when an RCMP constable approached him and told him to stop.
Penney responded the building was public property and he could do as he wished.
The officer attempted to arrest Penney, who put up a fight.
Penny was pepper-sprayed to no avail. He kicked the constable in the knee and was only restrained after some nearby civilians helped the officer place Penney in handcuffs.
The RCMP discovered Penney had been drawing on the wall with chalk after he was arrested.
Penney, who has no prior criminal record, pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice before his trial on Wednesday, apologizing for his transgression and taking full responsibility for his actions.
A self-employed artist, Penney often adorns public spaces with chalk. He also constructs multi-dimensional snowball pyramids in the city during the winter.
Judge Christine Gagnon said the incident was a misunderstanding that escalated into a more serious situation.
"Mr. Penney's contributing to the city's urban embellishment is something to be commended for and for everyone to enjoy," Gagnon said. "Perhaps it's important to choose your locations more wisely."
Gagnon gave Penney four months to pay the $250 fine.