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Greenhouse worker growing into job New co-ordinator has hands-on experience looking after plants
Shawn Giilck
Northern News Services
Published Thursday, August 8, 2013
Lance Grey is going green.

Inuvik resident Lance Grey is the new interim co-ordinator for the
Inuvik Greenhouse. - Shawn Giilck/NNSL photo
The Inuvik resident is the new part-time co-ordinator of the Inuvik Community Greenhouse.
He's replaced the former full-time coordinator, Geoff Johnson, who left in June after only a few months on the job. His departure has never been publicly explained by the board.
Grey, who modestly says he's learning on the job, is actually a bit of a veteran when it comes to the greenhouse. He said it runs in the family, since his father has been a longtime member of the growing community there.
"I grew up with my dad having a garden in our backyard where we grew zucchinis, potatoes, carrots and a lot of vegetables. So I have a bit of a gardening background. And when I was little I came in here quite a bit."
"I have lots of hands-on experience," he added. "But not a lot of the formal education part. I'm not a horticulturalist or botanist but I do find this very interesting and I'm a hard worker."
Grey said one of his friends used to be a greenhouse board member, and mentioned "the situation with the old co-ordinator.
"He said just to apply and get the job and try it out. I talked to the chair of the board, and she seemed keen on the idea."
Grey has been on the job for about four weeks, and will remain in the position until the fall.
"It's been a steep learning curve, and there's a lot of things I haven't done yet," he said. "Learning about all the plants has been a steep learning curve.
"The big thing has been learning the basics on how each plant grows, how to water them, pruning tomatoes, and keeping everything organized."
Despite all that, he said he's been finding the position "fun."
"I love it," Grey said. "When I have my two days off, coming back in and seeing how things have grown is so much fun. It's just a nice place to come to work."
His largest project will be to organize and clean the greenhouse in anticipation of panels for the new roof arriving. The organization has been raising money for the project for some time.
The need for the new roof was hastened by damage sustained last month in a windstorm, when several panels were ripped off or loosened. That was about the time Grey started on the job.
"I came to work one day and there was this tape outside (keeping people away from the building). I was so confused," Grey said.
"The other day I went up there with my dad and we screwed some of the loose panels down," he added.
Grey said he wasn't sure yet of the timetable for the new roof to be installed.