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Public assistance needed RCMP release sketch of sexual assault suspect
Daniel Campbell
Northern News Services
Published Friday, August 2, 2013
Police are on the lookout for a sexual assault suspect and they're asking for the public's help.

A composite sketch of the suspect involved in the sexual assault at Sisson's Court on Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. - photo courtesy of Yellowknife RCMP |
Yellowknife RCMP have released a composite sketch of the suspect in one of two sexual assaults from early Tuesday morning.
The suspect involved in the sexual assault at Sisson's Court around 7 a.m. is described as a six foot tall, 25- to 30-year-old male with a medium build, brown eyes, light complexion and dark brown hair that is cut short on the sides and longer and messy on the top. He was wearing a solid black T-shirt and blue jeans at the time of the assault, according to RCMP.
The assault took place after a lone male entered a residence on Sisson's Court and sexually assaulted an adult female, fleeing on foot afterwards.
A second sexual assault occurred just two hours prior, on the Frame Lake Trail near Sombe K'e Park. An unidentified male came up on an adult female from behind, sexually assaulted her and fled on foot.
The two female victims were treated at Stanton Territorial Hospital following the assaults.
Cpl. Barry Ledoux, RCMP spokesperson, said they don't know if the two assaults are connected, so they're treating them as two separate investigations.
Yellowknife RCMP have called in the Forensic Identification Section and the Police Dog Unit to assist with the investigation. Ledoux said they're also stepping up foot and bike patrols in high-risk areas.
"We were working almost non-stop, late last night and throughout the day. Today is a new day and we're hoping to get some new leads on the suspect," Ledoux said Thursday.
In the meantime, Ledoux asks those using the trail systems to be cautious, travel in pairs, carry a cellphone and avoid wearing headsets or earphones.
"With those on you, you have no idea who's coming up from behind you," Ledoux said of the earphones.
RCMP are asking anyone with information on the suspect to call Yellowknife RCMP, or Crime Stoppers if they wish to remain anonymous.