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The Fort Liard cast and crew of the movie Are Unicorns Real? include William Sassie, left, Derrick Kotchea, Denelee Bertrand, Precious Hope, Terrance Kotchea, Briant Kotchea and Jolan Kotchea. The film was chosen by a youth jury to be part of the 2013-14 Reel Youth Film Festival. - photo courtesy of Reel Youth
Stepping into the spotlight Short film by Fort Liard youth chosen for film festival
Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services
Published Thursday, August 29, 2013
The Fort Simpson Historical Society is encouraging Fort Simpson residents to be part of the 20th anniversary of a nationwide initiative.
The short film Are Unicorns Real? has been selected by a youth jury to be part of the 2013-14 Reel Youth Film Festival. The travelling festival, which will premiere at the Vancouver International Film Festival in October, will be screened at approximately 35 locations across Canada.
Are Unicorns Real? was chosen from 350 films submitted from around the world that were created by youth aged 19 and under. A youth jury picked the films for the festival based on technical merit, the message and the entertainment value of the films, said Mark Vonesch, the founder and director of Reel Youth.
The film, which is less than three minutes long, was created this past October by seven youths during a two-week workshop Reel Youth offered in Fort Liard. It was the third time the organization had worked in the community.
Reel Youth's intention is to empower youth by giving them video production skills and a safe environment where they can take creative risks and work with their friends in a way they might not have before, he said. Most of the films explore issues the youth care about and changes they'd like to see in their community.
Are Unicorns Real? was among 12 films created during last year's workshop. It is the first film from Fort Liard to be chosen to be a permanent part of the film festival.
At each festival stop, a number of locally-made films are shown in addition to those on the tour.
During the workshops, the participants do all of the creative work for each film, including creating the storyline, acting and filming. Vonesch said it has been a pleasure to work with the youth in Fort Liard, adding there aren't a lot of opportunities for filmmaking in the hamlet.
"They are coming from a real 'anything is possible' place," he said. "As far as they know, there aren't any limits."
There are many artistic and creative youth in the hamlet, said Roslyn Gardner Firth, the Hamlet of Fort Liard's manager of wellness and recreation who organizes Reel Youth's visits.
"This seems to be a great way for them to express their creativity," she said.
The creators of Are Unicorns Real? hadn't been told yet, as of Aug. 26, that their film was chosen for the festival. Gardner Firth said she's sure they will be excited.
Reel Youth will be returning to Fort Liard for another workshop from Oct. 21 to Nov. 4. The film festival will be screened in the hamlet along with new films that are made during the workshop.