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Trekking out on the land Kids enjoy day outing as part of Arviat summer camp
Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, August 14, 2013
A day-long outing as part of Arviat's youth summer camp was a big hit amongst participants ranging in age from six to 30 this past month.

Lakeisha Lynn, left, Shakirah Malla and Christopher Shamee enjoy time in their little red canoe during an Arviat summer camp outing to Landing Lake this past month. - photo courtesy of Shelton Nipisar |
Corrina Tugak of the Arviat Wellness Centre media group said about 30 people took part in the outing, counting the younger kids, summer students and program supervisors.
She said that only represented about half the available youths because all the kids at summer camp aren't allowed to go out on the land at the same time.
"We had a really wide range of ages and everyone enjoyed the trip in different ways," said Tugak.
Tugak said the gathering was held at the hamlet's summer camp site near Landing (Mikilaa) Lake.
"I spent most of my time kayaking with one of the supervisors and two of the younger kids," she said. "It was a bit too cold for swimming, so the people on the shore played games, made a fire and sat around talking while toasting marshmallows."
The kids and summer students who opted to take part in the kayaking all seemed to have a blast, Tugak said, adding that this was despite windy conditions that made it more challenging.
Tugak said the younger kids were excited over everything they saw.
"They were looking down to see how deep the water was and getting really, really excited," Tugak said. "They were really comfortable in the kayak with us, and enjoyed looking around and taking everything in."
Tugak said the summer camp's supervisors did a great job organizing the trip.
She said, in her opinion, the day was a big success and everyone seemed to have a great time just enjoying the outdoors.
"I saw a couple of little boys having a great time watching the geese out there, and it was great to see them enjoying that so much," Tugak said. "They were also throwing a ball around, and others were playing tag, so it was nice to see them having fun without ... electronics of any kind.
"It felt like this is what summer is all about."