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Summer at the garage Paulatuk girl to do vehicle maintenance, spreading gravel to pay for grad dress
Kassina Ryder
Northern News Services
Published Monday, July 8, 2013
Denise Wolki has just started her summer job at the Paulatuk hamlet garage, but she already knows the job is going to suit her.
"I didn't want to be in the office, I like to be out doing active work," Wolki said. "That's what really interests me."
Wolki is entering Grade 12 at Angik School in the fall and said she first learned about summer student job opportunities during her practicum this past school year. She and other students learned about possible career paths and earned credits toward their high school diplomas.
"We went on a practicum for two weeks," Wolki said. "I was one of the students that worked here for the practicum."
Wolki said she was interested in learning more about the jobs and people who keep the town running.
"We've been living right up in the North where it's isolated, so we see what they work on every day," she said. "It's the everyday jobs people do."
Wolki also said because many of her relatives work for the hamlet, she gets to ask them questions and learn all about the various aspects of many of different jobs.
"Most of my family members work here, so I get to talk to them and they talk about what they do," she said. "That's how I know about what they work on and what difficulties they have on job."
Wolki will be helping employees to do everything from vehicle maintenance to spreading gravel to fix up the town's roads.
"It's mostly field work on the job, hauling gravel from the Rat Lake Road to around town," she said. "Just fixing roads and just mainly work around the garage."
While she said she knows she will enjoy the job, Wolki said she has other plans for her future.
She wants to take the Environment and Natural Resources Technology Program at Aurora College's Thebacha Campus in Fort Smith.
"Where I'm from, people have a lot of concerns about the animals. We try to protect our animals as much as possible when it comes to harvesting them," she said. "We have a lot of traditional foods here that we've always lived on. What I want to do is do something for our community that represents our animals and our environment."
She said she believes in motivating young people. Self-esteem, persistence and hard work are values she hopes youth in her community will
"Just never stop trying and always keep your head high, believe in yourself and if you want it, you'll get it," she said. "What I've been working for, I believe in what I want and I'm getting it."
She said although the road might be long, it's important not to get discouraged.
"It's step by step, but eventually you'll get there," she said. "You always have to believe in your heart."
Wolki said she plans to take what she learns at school and teach that knowledge to youth and others in Paulatuk.
"I just find it really, really exciting I'll be dealing with our environment and our animals," she said. "Basically, I would like to teach other younger ones what I've learned about."
Until then, Wolki said she is going to save the money earned at her summer job for something special.
"Right now, I'm trying to make enough money to get my graduation dress before the year is over," she said. I'm very excited about it."