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Hungry, hungry fish Hundreds turn out for the community fishing derby
Miranda Scotland
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, July 3, 2013
When eight-year-old Taaluk Niuqtuq felt her rod catch on something, she thought for sure she had gotten it snagged on the lake bottom again.

Cpl. Jonathan Saxby measures Simon Mariq's winning fish June 21 during the Baker Lake RCMP community fishing derby. Saxby said the purpose of the derby was to encourage residents to put away the drugs and alcohol and "let tradition be their substance." - photo courtesy of Karen Yip |
After struggling to get her hook free, she turned to her mother for help. Together, they managed to reel the line in and looking back at them from the other end was a 36.5-inch lake trout.
The fish Niuqtuq nabbed turned out to be the biggest catch submitted in the under 10 category at the Baker Lake RCMP community fishing derby, which started at midnight on June 20 and wrapped up June 21 at 4 p.m. with a free barbecue.
For her catch, Niuqtuq won a bicycle of her choice from the local Northern store. The child's mom, Suzanne Niuqtuq, said her daughter is out riding it all the time now.
"She's hard to get in," said Suzanne, adding Taaluk was really excited to win because it was her first time landing the number one spot in a contest.
Suzanne also shared some of the luck. While down at White Hills Lake with her husband and three girls, she reeled in a catch that won her fourth place in the adult category and a $500 gift certificate to the Co-op Store.
"I didn't think it would be that big," she said, explaining it was tough to bring the fish in. "I tried my best not to lose it."
Simon Mariq landed first place in the contest and was given a chance to choose between four different prizes. He took $1,000 cash and a 33-cc Stingray power ice auger.
Mariq was out fishing with his brother and nephew at his favourite spot on White Hills Lake when he reeled in a 40.5-inch lake trout. He said he wasn't overly impressed by its size when he saw it.
"I've seen bigger fish," Mariq said.
Meanwhile, the most interesting catch of the day was made by Karen Yip. After a day of fishing she came back with two fish inside a 31-inch lake trout, according to Cpl. Jonathan Saxby.
"I open it up and here's two tails of two other lake trout stuck in the throat of this fish and all the way up to the gills," said Saxby.
"This was definitely a hungry fish that she caught."
This year's fishing derby is the first Baker Lake has hosted in a number of years and with more than 220 community members coming out to show their support, it was quite a success, said Saxby.
"We were just testing the waters this year to see what ... kind of reception we received from the community," he said. "But next year, we're definitely going to have some other categories and some fun categories like smallest fish ... We won't get too elaborate, we'll keep it pretty simple but we'll have a few laughs."
The purpose of this year's derby, Saxby said, was to encourage Baker Lake residents to put aside alcohol and drugs and "let tradition be their substance."
The RCMP also used a $20 registration fee to raise funds for its Feed the Families Christmas Food Fund. Last year, the initiative provided more than 70 elders and 250 people in the community with a hot meal at Christmas time.
Winners of the Baker Lake RCMP fishing derby
Adult category
- First: Simon Mariq - $1,000 cash and a 33-cc power ice auger donated by Arctic Fuels
- Second: Beverley Kaayak - 45 gallon drum donated by the local wildlife office
- Third: Greg Tapatai - a plane ticket for two donated by Calm Air
- Fourth: Suzanne Niuqtuq - $500 gift certificate to the Co-op Store
Under 10 category
- Taaluk Niuqtuq - bicycle of her choice from the Northern Store
Five $40 coupons to Co-op sponsored by Agnico-Eagle went to:
- Janae Nugyougalik
- Ian Daniel Tagoona
- Tudlik Amarook
- Milley Ann Aaruaq
- Gibson Taipana
Source: Fishing derby organizers