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Canada World Youth returns Eighteen youths from Peru and Canada will arrive in Rankin Inlet this August
Miranda Scotland
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Canada World Youth (CWY) will be returning to Rankin Inlet in August after holding a program in the community for the first time last year.

Jordan Konek is pictured here in Peru during a Canada World Youth humanitarian trip to Palma in February and March of 2012. - photo courtesy of Jordan Konek |
The organization scheduled another visit to the area due to the previous visit's success, according to project supervisor Tina Goodin.
Also, CWY has been working on expanding its reach in Canada to include more remote communities, with Rankin Inlet fitting into that vision.
"They want to encompass all of Canada, not just the more populated areas," said Goodin.
Rankin Inlet will be receiving nine Peruvians and nine Canadians from across the country on Aug. 22.
While they're here, the youth are expected to volunteer, join in community events, put on activities, such as a talent show, and work at assigned placements.
In 2012, the youth worked at the Nunavut Arctic College daycare, the John Ayaruaq Library, the Pulaarvik Kablu Friendship Centre and the hamlet's recreation department, among other organizations.
Goodin said she is looking for similar placements this time around.
The participants will also have educational activity days where they will present on a topic of their choice. In the past, the activity days have been focused on nutrition or hygiene.
Goodin, who is a member of the Buffalo Point First Nation, said she is considering incorporating some information about Inuit and First Nations culture.
The purpose of the project is to help participants become informed and engaged global citizens, she said.
"We definitely want them to learn to be leaders and then go home and be leaders in their own communities," she said. "It helps youth be more vocal, be more active citizens."
At the same time, the youth are enriching the community by sharing their own experiences with the residents. For instance, the families that host the participants often learn different languages from the youth and about Peruvian culture.
"It seems like they learn a lot from the youth and in turn the youth learn from them," said Goodin, adding this year they're looking for 11 host families. "One for myself, one for my counterpart and then nine for the youth."
The families receive a $400 weekly allowance and are required to provide meals and accommodation for one Peruvian and one Canadian. The youth will be leaving the community Oct. 5.
"We're just hoping to run a really great program this year again and get the community involved."