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123 First Avenue Arviat's new street naming and house numbering plan is coming into effect soon
Miranda Scotland
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Over the years, Arviat's haphazard house numbering system has caused a lot of confusion in the community. That is about to come to an end.

The Hamlet of Arviat is preparing to install new street signs and house numbers in the community this summer. - Miranda Scotland/NNSL photo
Council has approved a new street naming and house numbering plan that will be put into effect in the coming weeks.
"You'll have an actual physical street address like 123 First Avenue versus the old system of everybody picking their own number," said Bob Leonard, the hamlet's mayor.
Residents can expect to see crews out soon to install street signs at intersections and attach house numbers near the front doors of homes. The old ones will be removed once the new ones are installed.
Currently, streets in Arviat aren't identified, with many buildings having two or more numbers. Some residences even share the same number.
But under the new plan, there will be numbers for every road, although in the future the community may consider introducing street names. Also, streets will run from north to south while avenues will run east to west.
The system may take some getting used to, but council believes it will be better for the community in the long run. This way, emergency vehicles can find residences with ease, visitors can navigate their way around without getting lost and water and sewage delivery services won't get confused about where they're supposed to go.
Finally, residents will have addresses that are officially recognized.
"It will be really easy to know where everything is,” said Leonard. “The way it's designed, you'll know instantly where a house is, what side of the street it's on, what two avenues it's in between or two streets it's in between."
Leonard said the system was designed with the future in mind.
"It will be good forever. No matter where the community grows, the system will continue along."
Resident Rhea Gavin said she is thrilled about the new plan coming into effect.
"I think it's a great idea," she said, adding she's had more than enough trouble with the current system.
She's had packages end up at the wrong PO box and ordering online can be a pain. Companies usually ask for street names but until now she didn't have one to give.
"I worked my way around it," explained Gavin.
Residents who want to find out their new addresses can visit the hamlet office or view the street map posted on its website.