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Thousands to visit Inuvik Hotels book up as community gets ready
for Inuit Circumpolar Council general assembly in 2014
Shawn Giilck
Northern News Services
Published Monday, June 3, 2013
Shawn Giilck
The Northern world will converge on Inuvik in July 2014.
That's when about 1,000 representatives of Inuit people around the world are slated to attend the general assembly.
Duane Smith, president of Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada, is organizing the assembly, which was last held in the community in 1992. Smith is also a member
of the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, which will be hosting the major event.
"Every four years, the circumpolar Inuit from Alaska, Canada and Greenland meet to discuss a wide range of issues," Smith said. "It's the political leadership that's getting together to discuss various issues from United Nations issues to talk about what's going on with the circumpolar weather."
Such a conference will be a major event for Inuvik, and every hotel room in town has already been reserved for the meetings, even though specific dates haven't been set yet.
This conference will bring in double the number of people who attend the Inuvik Petroleum Show. Last year, there were close to 500 delegates.
Smith said the Inuit Circumpolar Conference will most likely be held the third week of July, allowing organizers to work around the Great Northern Arts Festival, another major draw for Inuvik.
"It's one of the logistical issues we have to deal with," he said. "Where do you put everyone? Safety is the number one issue, along with medical issues, transportation, etc. It's a big task."
The conference will also have spin-off cultural events celebrating traditional culture.
Inuit come from regions around the world including Alaska, the Inuvialuit of the NWT and northern Yukon, Nunavut, Nunavik, Labrador and Greenland, Smith said.
This is the first time in 12 years that Canadian Inuit will host the assembly. Nunavut hosted the last assembly on Canadian soil. The most recent general assembly was held in Nuuk, Greenland, in 2010.