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News Briefs: Monday, September 5, 2011

Committed to stand trial

A 68-year-old man will stand trial to face a charge of second-degree murder following a preliminary inquiry in Hay River.

Wilfred Lawrence Buggins is accused of killing his younger brother, Raymond Cecil (Roy) Buggins, 61, of Hay River.

The charge is in connection to a Feb. 5, 2011, incident at a cabin south of Enterprise and about 35 km north of the NWT-Alberta border. The cabin is the accused's residence. The case now moves to NWT Supreme Court at a date to be determined.

The RCMP previously reported a firearm was involved in the Feb. 5 incident.

- Paul Bickford

Decision reserved

An NWT Supreme Court justice has reserved decision in a case involving owners of a Fort Smith tourism company in jeopardy of losing their house and other property to pay a loan from a GNWT agency.

The case was back in court in Yellowknife on Aug. 31. Justice Louise Charbonneau will release a written decision at a later date.

Clayton and Annie Burke, under the company name 892622 NWT Ltd., still owe $143,000 on a loan from the NWT Business Development and Investment Corporation (BDIC) which they invested in their Taiga Tour Company.

The house and two tourism camps were collateral. A bed and breakfast was seized last year and sold to pay part of the loan. The BDIC has to go to court to seize property and sell it.

- Paul Bickford

Rainbow Pipeline reopens

Plains Midstream Canada reopened the Rainbow Pipeline Aug. 30. It is expected to be fully operational by Sept. 6.

The pipeline, which connects to the Enbridge Pipeline out of Norman Wells, was shut down April 29 after it was found to be leaking crude oil.

Norman Wells, which relies on natural gas, a byproduct of oil production in the Sahtu, for heat and electricity, was forced to declare a state of emergency and install an emergency propane power system.

- Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison

Pehdzeh Ki meeting rescheduled

Pehdzeh Ki First Nation was scheduled to host its annual general assembly in Wrigley this past weekend, but the event has been rescheduled to Sept. 21 to 25.

According to the band office, the dates conflicted with a handgames tournament recently held in Tulita.

In addition to house business, a representative of Enbridge is expected to attend to answer questions relating to the oil spill in Wrigley.

- Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison

Sixtieth anniversary


Adam and Annie Emaghok celebrated their 60th anniversary on Aug. 24 with family and friends.

The celebration was well-attended with people from around the region and charters full of people coming in to help them mark the milestone.

They ate great food and enjoyed fantastic drum dancing.

The couple got married in 1951. The event was held at Kitty Hall.

- Samantha Stokell

The Tlicho classroom


Chief Jimmy Bruneau School opened for the 2011-2012 school year last Monday, just one week after winning a Minister's Cultural Circle Award for its work in developing the land-based course, Trails of Our Ancestors.

Around 400 students registered at the school Aug. 29 and the first day of classes was Aug. 30.

"The students were excited. It's always a time of lots of hope and new goals for the year," said Patti Turner, principal at the school.

The Trails of Our Ancestors program, which teaches respect for the land, culture and language of the Tlicho people, will run again this year. By participating, students can earn up to five credits toward their high school diploma.

- Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison

Trade show in Hay River

Hay River

The annual Business, Home and Leisure Show will be held in Hay River on Sept. 10 and 11.

The trade show will be held at the recreation centre from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 10 and from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sept. 11.

The event is presented by the Hay River Chamber of Commerce.

- Paul Bickford

Aklavik Dizzy Daze


This past weekend Aklavik was set to host its annual fall carnival, Dizzy Daze.

It was scheduled to run from Friday to Sunday with all kinds of games and prizes for kids. For adults there were casinos, Nevadas and bingo held after the kids' carnival at the Sittichinli Recreational Complex.

The kids' carnival was set to run Friday from 7 to 9 p.m., Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. Adults could have fun gambling from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Friday, 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Saturday and 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. on Sunday.

- Samantha Stokell

From Botswana to the Beaufort


Bryan Kimiksana returned home from a summer in Africa at the end of August after completing the eight-week Northern Youth Abroad program.

The Ulukhaktok resident arrived in Ottawa on July 1 to take part in a week-long orientation for the program, then headed off to Botswana, Africa, for six weeks. He came back to Ottawa on Aug. 20 and then flew home Aug. 24.

While in Africa, Kimiksana volunteered and learned about the local culture.

Forty-five youth from across the NWT and Nunavut took part in the program, including representatives from Fort Good Hope, Inuvik and Deline.

- Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison

Free workshops in Hay River

Hay River

The NWT Literacy Council is offering two free workshops in Hay River this month.

The first workshop on Sept. 19 will be on facilitation skills, while the other on Sept. 20 & 21 will deal with program planning and proposal writing.

The training facilitator for the workshops will be Lisa Campbell.

The registration deadline is Sept. 9.

- Paul Bickford

School's back on

Tetlit'Zheh/Fort McPherson

Chief Julius School in Fort McPherson was open for business Aug. 30, with the first day of classes running from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Harold Reardon, the school's principal, said the students were delighted to be back and meet with friends. Although they don't have final numbers yet, he estimates there will be between 185 and 200 students registered this year.

There are a total of 25 teachers, administrators and secretaries. A schedule for the year hasn't been set in stone yet, but house teams have already been formed for ongoing competitions within the school.

- Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison

Casting call

Tetlit'Zheh/Fort McPherson

Two filmmakers and the Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute are undertaking a feasibility study to explore filming opportunities in Fort McPherson.

The filmmakers, Kirsten Carthew and Michael Vernon, are set to visit Fort McPherson from Sept. 4 to 8 to research community resources.

They will hold a casting session for the film on Sept. 6 at council chambers from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Carthew and Vernon invite everyone who is interested in acting to stop by, do an audition and learn more about the film, titled The Sun At Midnight. They are looking for youth and elders who speak English and Gwich'in.

- Samantha Stokell

Barging in

Lli Goline/Norman Wells

The second last barge of the summer arrived in Norman Wells on Aug. 28 after its long trip up the Mackenzie River from Hay River.

The shipment included everything from food, oil tanks and building supplies to ATVs, taxis and a bombardier, according to a Northern Transportation Company spokesperson.

The last barge of the season is expected to arrive in Norman Wells on Sept. 23 before leaving for Inuvik, Aklavik and Tuktoyaktuk on Sept. 25.

- Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison

Fall cleanup in Fort Smith

Thebacha/Fort Smith

The annual residential fall cleanup in Fort Smith is set for Sept. 20-26.

During those seven days, tipping fees will be waived at the community's landfill.

The landfill will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for each of the days.

- Paul Bickford

Court's in, but school's not out

Kimmirut/Lake Harbour

Students in Kimmirut had a day out, but not a day off, as territorial court was in session in the Qaqqalik School gym Aug. 30.

Instead of a day off, teachers took students out on the land with assignments so they didn't lose a day of school.

"I saw about 80 go out," said principal Ron Pate.

Some went to the campground, while "four staff plus one with a weapon (went) with the 7s, 8s, and 9s to Reversing Falls."

"They're going to be looking at the various buds and flowers, and berry picking," he said. "The kids know how to do these things.

"It's just being on the land, listening and learning from the teachers. Even listening to the some of the older students, who might explain what Reversing Falls is."

With court in session only one day, classes were set to be held in the school as usual on Wednesday.

- Casey Lessard

First snow


Resolute had its first snow on Aug. 29, a month earlier than last year but a date on par with previous ones, said senior administrative officer Martha Kalluk.

"It's pretty cool now. Summer is over," she said.

She added the community's first sealift arrived on Aug. 30 but without the hamlet's new loader. They are hoping it will be on the second sealift expected early September.

"We were expecting a loader for the hamlet. They said it might be on the other ship. So, we're still waiting," she said.

- Jeanne Gagnon

Help taking out trash

Kangiqtugaapik/Clyde River

Clyde River is anticipating the arrival of several new municipal vehicles on next month's sealifts. A new garbage truck and sewage pump truck, together valued at about $400,000, are expected next week, and a foreman vehicle and a gravel spreader are expected by mid-September.

"We wanted to be sure we provided the best services to the people of the community," said senior hamlet administration officer Troy Jenkins, "and to do that, you have to have the proper equipment."

The garbage truck and sewer truck are replacing vehicles that are close to a decade old. "We needed an upgrade," Jenkins said. "We're looking forward to getting the new vehicles on the road."

- Casey Lessard

Goose Bay Rangers visit Qikiqtarjuaq

Broughton Island/Qikiqtarjuaq

Canadian Rangers from Goose Bay, N.L., were in Qikiqtarjuaq Aug. 25 to assist local Rangers in training and preparing for emergencies.

The Labrador patrol met with about 20 Qikiqtarjuaq Rangers in the school gym, where they cleaned their guns and demonstrated gun safety and drills, Rikki Butt said. They also held a public exercise for members of the community.

The Labrador Rangers flew in from Iqaluit, where they had arrived by boat. They were visiting other communities as well.

- Casey Lessard

Narwhals visit Cambridge Bay

Ikaluktutiak/Cambridge Bay

Pods of narwhals in Cambridge Bay late last month brought many residents, hoping to see and/or catch a whale, to the shoreline.

People were hunting all of the last weekend of August, said Steve King.

"I can't tell you how long it has been since whales have been in Cambridge Bay but it has been a long time," he said.

Gilbert Tikhak caught two narwhals at the mouth of the bay and the river during the night of Aug. 25. The 19-year-old said he caught both whales about two hours after setting out.

"I shot the two in shallow water," he said. "We caught them few minutes apart."

His mother had called him earlier, advising him whales were in the bay.

"It is a rare sight to see whales. They're still swimming around in Cambridge Bay," he said.

- Jeanne Gagnon

Emergency landing

Kangiqliniq/Rankin Inlet

About two hours after First Air Flight 6560 crashed just outside of Resolute, claiming the lives of 12 people, Aug. 20, a second jet made an emergency landing in Rankin Inlet.

The second aircraft - also a 737 - was en route to Winnipeg, according to Transport Canada documents, and was turned back to Rankin Inlet with one engine functioning.

The jet was landed safely, with members of the fire department and police standing by.

First Air didn't return phone calls by press time.

- Nicole Veerman