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News Briefs: Friday, September 23, 2011
Power corp. CEO gone
Northwest Territories Power Corporation has replaced CEO and president David Axford. Axford was named to a three-year appointment in December. The corporation's website lists Emanuel DaRosa, appointed chief operating officer in July, as acting president and CEO.
There is no word on what led to Axford's replacement and calls to NTPC Chair Brendan Bell were not returned by press time.
- Galit Rodan
Season over for RCMP cyclists
Police officers who have been patrolling the streets on bikes this summer are putting them away for another season today.
Three officers have been on the patrol this summer, starting June 1.
Const. Kathy Law said it was another good year, with a number of public intoxication, drinking in public and drug charges having been laid by the bike patrol. She said the patrol also caught a sexual assault in progress, which led to a charge.
Memorial service
The 34th annual Canadian Police and Peace Officers' Annual Memorial Service will be held Sunday at 10 a.m. at the detachment headquarters next to city hall.
Residents are invited to attend the memorial, which provides an opportunity for people to stand in honour those who have given their lives in the line of duty.
This year, the service will pay tribute to RCMP Const. Michael Potvin, who lost his life in Mayo, Yukon, Sgt. Ryan Russell of the Toronto Police Service, Const. Sebastien Coghlan-Goyette of the Surete du Quebec, and Const. Garrett Styles of the York Regional Police Service.
From garbage to garden
Ecology North and the city are inviting all residents to the compost facility tomorrow at the landfill to learn how 450 tonnes of leftover food, grass clippings and paper have been turned into compost.
The tour begins at 1:30 p.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m.
- Nicole Veerman
News Briefs: Thursday, September 22, 2011
Grants to support physical activity
The territorial government in partnership with the NWT Recreation and Parks Association is offering grants to community groups to get residents active this year.
The $750 Get Active NWT grants are available for groups who are willing to organize three physical activity events in their community. Previous events have included Dene games, Nordic walking, cross-country ski loppets and sports tournaments.
Last year 87 grants were awarded and a similar number are expected to be given this year. Groups have until Oct. 7 to apply for grants. First Air has donated two pairs of tickets that will be awarded to event organizers through a ballot draw.
Soccer weekend in Hay River
Eight soccer teams from the Deh Cho will be in Hay River this weekend.
The athletes will be competing in the Elks Outdoor Soccer Tournament from Sept. 23 to 25. Bompas Elementary School and Thomas Simpson School from Fort Simpson are sending approximately 55 students to the tournament on six teams. The teams will be rounded out with one student from Jean Marie River and 15 from Fort Liard. Deh Gah School in Fort Providence will also be attending the tournament. The school is sending two teams and a group of Grade 7 boys will join with a Hay River team.
Society seeks board members
The Open Doors Society of Fort Simpson is holding its annual general meeting on Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. at Bompas Elementary School.
The society, which is in its 17th year, runs a number of programs. There is still room in both Busy Bees and pre-school, said Leah Keats, the society's co-ordinator.
Busy Bees, for children who will turn three before Dec. 31, has two sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays from to 2:30 p.m. and 3 to 4:30 p.m. Preschool, for four-year-olds, has two sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3:30 p.m.
The society also runs a playgroup and the toy-lending library. Open Doors is looking for new board members, said Keats.
Doing their part for the Earth
All of the students at Deh Gah School in Fort Providence spent the afternoon of Sept. 20 cleaning the banks of the Mackenzie River. The exercise was part of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, a national event running from Sept. 17 to 25.
Health public administrator assigned
Peter Clarkson, the current GNWT regional director of Inuvik, has been appointed public administrator for the Beaufort Delta Health and Social Services Authority.
Clarkson, a former mayor of Inuvik, replaces Paddy Meade, on Sept. 23. Meade resigned as deputy minister of health and social service and as public administrator for the regional authority.
Local runner wins award
The NWT Parks and Recreation Association has awarded an Inuvik runner for her contribution to the community.
Cynthia Wicks won the Innovation Award for her work in organizing the Inuvik Run Club. The Innovation Award is given to recipients who demonstrate a commitment to improving access and opportunities for residents to choose an active and healthy lifestyle. Wicks tied for the award with the Tlicho Government.
Car wash for students
Samuel Hearne Secondary School students will host a car wash on Sept. 25 to raise money for a trip to Ethiopia.
The car wash will run from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will also have a barbecue, concessions and a 50-50 draw. The proceeds will go to the eight Grade 12 students trip to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The students plan to go in March with the organization Projects Abroad Canada for two weeks to help build wells, renovate schools and care for orphans. They need to raise at least $60,000.
Local coach for Arctic games
The coaches for the NWT hockey teams for the 2012 Arctic Winter Games have been announced and an Inuvik resident will lead the midget boys.
Paul Grech, the GNWT supervisor for regional operations in Inuvik, will be the head coach for the midget boys when they head to the games in Whitehorse from March 4 to 11. Grech will coach with Brad Anstey of Yellowknife.
Free workshops
The Inuvik Youth and Family Support organization will offer two free workshops per week.
On Tuesdays, parents looking for solutions can attend the Parenting Support Group from 1:30 to 3 p.m. every week. On Thursdays, the workshop will be a conflict resolution group, also from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
It is a safe place to share successes, ask for advice and learn some tools.
For more information contact Laura Evans.