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News Briefs: Friday, September 16, 2011
Fall cleanup next week
The City of Yellowknife's annual Fall Clean Up is scheduled for Sept. 19 to 22. Residents wishing to have large items collected by the city free of charge during this time must submit a form, either in hard copy or via e-mail no later than 12 p.m. today.
Household hazardous waste collection day is on Saturday, Sept. 17 from 12 to 4 p.m. at the Yellowknife Community Arena parking lot.
Amnesty Week at the dump is Sept. 19-26. The Solid Waste Facility will waive the $7 drop-off fee, however, curbside collection limits and fees still apply.
- Laura Busch
City seeks input on Plan
A community consultation for the city's General Plan, which will outline the vision for Yellowknife's development for the next 10 year, is scheduled for Sept. 19-21.
There will be an open house in the foyer and council chamber of city hall on Monday, Sept. 19 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. and on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at the same time in the same location.
- Laura Busch
First Frost
Yellowknife residents observed the first frost of the season Tuesday morning, though meteorologist reports indicate that the overnight low at the airport was only 0.9 C.
Since 1942, the earliest day to dip below 0 C was Aug. 24, 1982. The latest frost on record came on Oct. 6, 2009. On an average year, the first freeze occurs around Sept. 23.
- Laura Busch
Playground build this weekend
Volunteers are needed to help build a new playground at Range Lake North School on Friday, Sept. 16 and Saturday, Sept. 19 from 9 a.m. onward.
Staff and students at the school, along with members of the parent advisory committee have successfully raised $50,000 for the new playground, with help from the Yellowknife Community Foundation and the City of Yellowknife.
Unfortunately, children will not be able to attend the build due to safety concerns.
- Laura Busch
Ace at the golf club
Matthew Gray is the latest golfer in the city to hit a hole-in-one.
Gray turned the trick on the 150-yard 14th hole on Sept. 13. This was the fourth hole-in-one this year,
- James McCarthy
News Briefs: Thursday, September 15, 2011
Two cancer runs in Fort Simpson
Two runs that raise awareness and money for cancer research are joining forces again in Fort Simpson.
The Terry Fox Run and the CIBC Run for Our Lives will both take place in the village on Sept. 18 with registration beginning at noon at the recreation centre; the runs start an hour later. For the Terry Fox Run, interested participants can pick up pledge forms at the recreation centre. Forms for the CIBC Run for Our Lives, which supports breast cancer and breast health programs, services and equipment in the NWT, are available at the local bank branch.
Last year, more than $6,000 was raised in the village through Run for Our Lives.
On-the-land experience for Wrigley youth
A children's culture camp is set for its second year in Wrigley.
Youth from the community will have the opportunity to participate in the camp at Fish Lake, located 38 kilometres northeast of Wrigley, between Sept. 19 and 23. Last year, 17 youths attended the camp and a few more are expected this year, said D'Arcy J. Moses, who is helping organize the event.
The camp is a joint initiative between Devonian Metals Inc., which is sponsoring the event, and Chief Julian Yendo School, which is organizing the educational aspects. The camp will be based on culture, said Moses.
Activities will include cooking classes, hiking excursions, dry meat- and dry fish-making, handgames and drumming, he said.
Focus on noise control bylaw
The Village of Fort Simpson is examining the enforcement of its noise control bylaw.
During the council meeting on Sept. 6, Coun. Stella Nadia raised concerns about the volume of the music coming from the Ice Breaker Lounge. The lounge's patio and back doors are often open at night, which increases the volume of the music that is audible to the surrounding neighbourhood, Nadia said.
Because she lives near the bar, Nadia said she knows the volume of the music is infringing on people's sleep. The village's noise control bylaw calls for a quiet time between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Mayor Sean Whelly said the village will send a letter expressing the council's concerns to the lounge's owners.
Tournament for individual golfers
The Seven Spruce Golf Course will be hosting its annual club championship on Sept. 17.
The tournament will follow a stroke play format. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. with tee-off at 10 a.m.
Terry Fox Run
The ultimate cancer run will happen this weekend on Sept. 28, starting at 1 p.m.
The Terry Fox Run will commemorate and raise money on behalf of Terry Fox, who attempted to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. Participants can run as far as they like and receive pledges that will go towards the Terry Fox Foundation.
The annual run is usually held in Sept., the month Terry Fox, losing his own battle with cancer, realized he couldn't finish his Marathon of Hope and asked Canadians to start running in his place.
The Inuvik run will start at the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex at 1 p.m. with registration at 12:30 p.m. The route will take runners, bikers and walkers on a two-, five- or 10-km route up Mackenzie Road to the highway and back.
Quilting workshop
The Inuvik Quilting Guild will run its only beginner quilting workshop of the year this weekend on Sept. 17 and 18. The project will be a Bento Box pattern, with 12 fat quarters.
New quilters will learn basic quilting techniques to complete the top of a lap-sized quilt. Further sessions throughout the fall and winter will complete the project.
For more information, or to register, contact Shona Barbour.
Arena opens
Winter sports get a head start this year as the Roy "Sugloo" Ipana arena opens today.
To help athletes prepare for the Arctic Winter Games next year, to be held in Whitehorse from March 4 to 10, the arena has opened early for hockey players, figure skaters and speed skaters.
This year there will be one adult skate and one teen skate per week. Every Monday to Friday, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., is a public skate. Tuesday to Friday from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. is youth drop-in hockey and on Saturdays and Sundays, family skate will take place from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Also available will be public skates, skating lessons, and minor, old timers, rec and women's hockey. Skate rentals are available for free.
Ikhil drilling
Ikhil Joint Venture is looking at drilling a new well at the Ikhil site and wants to hear from the community.
On Sept. 26 at Ingamo Hall, Ikhil will provide a presentation on the proposed drilling program, project timeline and facilities needed to connect the well to the existing Ikhil plant and provide an opportunity to hear from the public. The comments made by the public will go towards the project description for its submission to the Environmental Impact Screening Committee.
Dinner and refreshments will also be provided.