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News Briefs: Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Freight-only on buses leaving NWT
Freight shipped from Yellowknife to Alberta via bus will continue, but passenger service will end at Hay River as of Oct. 24.
Frontier Coachlines currently operates passenger and freight service connecting Yellowknife, Behchoko, Fort Providence, Fort Simpson and Hay River, and then, in Hay River, switching to Greyhound to travel south to Alberta. All that will change is the passenger service on Greyhound, which Frontier Coachlines co-owner Colleen Gagnier hopes will be taken up by another bus service now that Greyhound is shutting down its NW7 route.
- Sarah Ferguson
No arrests in Nova Court ATM theft
The culprits behind an ATM theft from the lobby of a Yellowknife hotel and apartment building last month are still at large, according to RCMP.
On July 13, between 2:55 and 3:10 a.m., the cash machine was taken from the lobby of Nova Court, located next to Stanton Territorial Hospital, while the front desk attendant was away from the area. The ATM has since been replaced.
The police investigation has confirmed that two or more people were involved in the theft, according to Staff Sgt. Brad Kaeding. He would not comment, however, on whether the RCMP currently has any leads.
- Heather Lange
Forest fire danger low
The current forest fire danger rating for the North Slave region is low and there are only three fires burning, all of which are under control.
The forest fire season is winding down as temperatures cool during the night, according to Judy McLinton, manager of public affairs and communications for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. So far there has been a total of 72 fires in the North Slave region.
- Heather Lange
Ungulate conference comes to Yk
More than 200 international delegates are expected to come to Yellowknife to discuss the management and status of northern, hoofed animals such as caribou, moose and bison.
The Arctic Ungulate Conference, held every four years, will be in the city from Aug. 22 to 26 at various buildings downtown. It is hosted by the GNWT in partnership with the governments of Nunavut and the Yukon.
- Heather Lange
Firefighter competition
Kivalliq - Eleven firefighters from across the territory were in Rankin Inlet last week to compete for a spot in the Aboriginal Firefighters Competition in Winnipeg. The winners of the competition were: George Aksadjuak of Rankin Inlet, Cody Evalaukjuk of Coral Harbour, Troy Innikshuk of Rankin Inlet, Jollie Enoogoo of Pond Inlet, Randy Idlout of Resolute Bay and Norman Qavvik of Kugaaruk. These six men are representing Nunavut in the national competition, which runs from Aug. 15 to 21.
To compete, the firefighters must have their Level 1 firefighter training, must be 18 years or older and must be an active member of a municipal fire department.
Governor General to visit Kivalliq
Repulse Bay - Gov. Gen. David Johnston and his wife Sharon are scheduled to be in Repulse Bay tomorrow as part of their first official visit to Nunavut.
Their visit began in Iqaluit on Aug. 15.
In Repulse Bay they will meet with Mayor Hugh Haqpi, take part in the Terry Fox Run, eat lunch with Grade 9 to 12 students enrolled in the social science program at Tusarvik School, have a discussion with elders at the community centre and hike the Thule Trail.
During their stay in Nunavut, the Johnstons will also visit Kugaaruk, Resolute and Qikiqtarjuaq.
Parks consultation dates
Kivalliq - Parks Canada has begun its consultations in the Kivalliq region. Today is the last day of the Rankin Inlet consultation. The meetings are being held to explain the proposed changes to existing park regulations, including those involving the use of firearms.
The remaining consultations will be held in:
* Chesterfield Inlet Aug. 17 to 19
* Baker Lake Aug. 19 to 23
* Coral Harbour Aug. 23 to 25
* Repulse Bay Aug. 25 to 27
There will be an open house for the public from 7 to 9 p.m. on the second day of each consultation.
Volunteers needed for family fun day
Rankin Inlet - The Hamlet of Rankin Inlet is looking for volunteers to help out with the Agnico-Eagle family fun day Aug. 27.
The event will have all kinds of fun activities, like fire truck rides, cupcake decorating, mural painting and a bouncy room. There will also be musical acts by the Arviat Band, Charlie Panigoniak, Shauna Seeteenak and the Jerry Cans.
If you're interested in lending a hand, call Lori Tagoona at the hamlet office.
Rankin recreation
Rankin Inlet - Rankin youth have two more days to take part in the free summer activities organized by the hamlet.
Today from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. kids aged six to eight are invited to the softball field for a game. From 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. youth nine to 12 will take the field. Tomorrow will be the last day to take part. There will be a soccer game for youth between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. and a ball hockey game from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Boys and girls are welcome to join in the fun.