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News Briefs: Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Ottawa urged to back pipepline
NWT Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment Bob McLeod is urging Ottawa to reach a financial deal with backers of the Mackenzie Gas Project by the end of the year.
McLeod made the statement just days after Royal Dutch Shell announced plans to sell its stake in the project. The minister said the federal government needs to assure the rest of the consortium involved in the $16 billion project that it will support them in the form of a loan guarantee - similar to what the U.S. Government did it in Alaska.
- Sarah Ferguson
Ritchie leaves Ecology North
After serving for seven years as a community conscience for Northern environmental concerns, program director Doug Ritchie has left Ecology North to take on a new role with Yellowknives Dene First Nation. During his time with Ecology North, Ritchie was a prominent advocate for the organization's priorities of public education and awareness, climate change and sustainable living. Ecology North reports that Ritchie will continue to volunteer with the organization, but that he started a new job with the Yellowknives Dene First Nation Housing Division on July 4.
- Sarah Ferguson
Shelter shapes up
A purchase agreement is expected to be signed today or tomorrow between the City of Yellowknife and the NWT SPCA for a $200,000 plot of land in the Engle Business District, where an animal shelter will eventually be opened, according to SPCA president Nicole Spencer.
Spencer said a contract with Clark Builders to build the shelter is also expected to be signed this week and once a development permit is obtained, construction could begin as soon as Aug. 1.
The shelter project is still about $350,000 short of its $1-million target. But Spencer said the SPCA is putting together kits to send to local businesses in the hopes they invest by sponsoring individual "cat condos" and "dog apartments" at the future shelter.
- Tim Edwards
More film money
The Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment has announced it's investing in the NWT film industry in new ways. ITI said it has restructured its film commission staff to add a dedicated associate film commissioner and is injecting $100,000 in annual funding for film projects.
- Kevin Allerston
Attend meetings
Coral Harbour/Inuvik - A number of people from Coral Harbour were among those who gathered in Inuvik, NWT, for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's second national meeting from June 28 until July 1.
About 1,000 former residential school students and others from across the North attended the fourday event. For more on the meetings, please see the July 27 edition of Kivalliq News.
And the Fire Brigade's fundraising winners are...
Rankin Inlet - Listed below are the winners in the annual Rankin Inlet Fire Brigade's giant fundraising raffle. All proceeds go towards the purchase and upkeep of equipment for Rankin's fire department and ambulance service.
- Timothy Akerolik (250 Honda)
- Griffin Kaludjak (250 Honda)
- Pierretta Inukshuk (Canadian North ticket)
- Mary Kaput (Kivalliq Air tickets)
- Dorothy Tootoo ($500)
- Noah Makayak ($500)
- Emelda Aupilardjuk (40inch TV)
- Judy Kappi (205 litres of gas)
- Inukshuk Tatty ($250)
- Chris Richardson (fishing rod)
Memorial tourney
Rankin Inlet - The Rankin Inlet flight services station is hosting the third annual Al Burrill Memorial golf tournament on Aug. 20 in support of the RCMP Christmas Hamper Fund.
The oneday tournament is open to all members of the public.
The 2010 tournament raised more than $3,000 for the hamper, and event organizers are hoping to raise $4,000 at this year's event.
Burrill was the supervisor of field maintenance at the Rankin airport for more than 14 years before his death on Sept. 12, 2008.
Scholarships available
Kivalliq - Kivalliq students training for careers in Northern aviation are reminded they can apply for one of 13 scholarships worth $5,000 through the Aviation Career Development Program (ACDP). The scholarships are available to students in Nunavut and the NWT.
The Government of Nunavut will provide four scholarships for Nunavut residents, while an additional scholarship will be provided by Keewatin Air.
The deadline to apply for the scholarships is July 29. Those interested in applying can Google ACDP scholarships to obtain the web address.
Taking part
Arviat - Michelle Malla and Wendy Shamee of Arviat are taking part in a Canadian Roots exchange program being held in Moosonee and Moose Factory, Ont., this month.
The gathering sees two groups of diverse indigenous and nonindigenous youth aged 30 and under living, learning, working and sharing together throughout the threeweek program.
Canadian Roots is a handson educational experience involving workshops and teachings by elders and educators, participation in local projects, and discussion and engagement with youth and community organizations in the area.
Friday deadline
Kivalliq/Iqaluit - Kivalliq youth are reminded the deadline for applying to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada's National Aboriginal Science and Technology Camp is this coming Friday, July 22.
The event takes place in Iqaluit from Aug. 813.
Nunavut youth aged 12 to 15 are invited to apply by writing a 200word letter of interest explaining why they should be selected to attend.
Applications may be faxed to Karen Dunphy at (867) 9754736 or by email at karen.dunphy@inac.gc.ca.
The camp is free and travel costs to Iqaluit will be covered for successful applicants.