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Museum roof to undergo repairs

Adrian Lysenko
Northern News Services
Published Friday, December 17, 2010

SOMBA K'E/YELLOWKNIFE - Repairs to fix a leak on the 30-year-old roof at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre are expected to begin in the new year.

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A leaky roof at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre is scheduled to be repaired next year. - Adrian Lysenko/NNSL photo

The Department of Public Works and Services issued a request for tenders last week.

"Three years ago an investigation showed that moisture was getting in underneath the roofing," said Brian Pruden, regional superintendent for the Department of Public Works and Services. "These things happen from time to time on roofs."

The strip of the roof that will be repaired is six feet wide by 72 feet long.

It's only been three years since the last round of additions and renovations were completed at the museum. The $9.6 million renovation project began in October 2003.

Aside from adding office space and retrofitting the building's mechanical and electrical systems, renovations also took place in the auditorium, which included reinforced walls; the addition of a sprinkler system; and installation of new windows and carpeting.

The part of the roof awaiting repairs is in the original section of the building which dates back to 1979.

The budget for the repairs wasn't available at press time.