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Map database launched
Jeanne Gagnon Northern News Services Published Monday, November 8, 2010
The Inuit Land Use and Occupancy Project database draws on information from hunters up to the early to mid-1970s in Grise Fiord, Resolute Bay, Arctic Bay, Pond Inlet, Clyde River, Iglulik and Hall Beach. The association said it will use the information as a platform to collect and expand the body of Inuit traditional knowledge. "Some of the migration patterns have changed. Obviously the communities have changed. So now, we can just update the maps we do have," said Okalik Eegeesiak, the association's president. The maps contain information at a time Inuit were transitioning from living on the land to permanent communities, she added. "It's another piece of Inuit history, from Inuit, now documented," said Eegeesiak.