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Catholic School Board Briefs
New trustee sworn in

Adrian Lysenko
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, November 24, 2010

SOMBA K'E/YELLOWKNIFE - Gerda Hazenberg was sworn in as the newest trustee for Yellowknife Catholic School Board at the board's meeting on Nov. 17.

NNSL photo/graphic

Superintendent Claudia Parker, left, stands beside new trustee Gerda Hazenberg as she takes an oath of office at last week's school board meeting. Amy Curran stands as witness to the swearing in. - Adrian Lysenko/NNSL photo

Hazenberg is replacing Jen Debogorski after she stepped down because of family commitments last month. Hazenberg was offered the position because she had the next highest number of votes outside of the top seven Catholic trustee candidates elected during last year's municipal election.

"I'm very involved in education and developing the next generation," Hazenberg told Yellowknifer after the meeting. "I think that it's important that people with my values can oversee the direction that education is taking."

Hazenberg is retired from 25 years of teaching, the last 16 years of which were in Fort Simpson. She has been living in Yellowknife for three years and has four grandchildren enrolled in YCS schools.

The election of officers also took place with Mary Vane and Rose-Marie Jackson remaining as chair and vice-chair respectively.

Five minister's awards for St. Pat's students

Coleen McDonald, principal of St. Patrick High School and Todd Stewart, assistant principal, gave a presentation of highlights from the school's past year. Among the highlights mentioned was the five Minister's Awards given to students at the school last year.

"Minister's Awards are awarded to students who achieve the highest standing in the Northwest Territories in the diploma exams," said McDonald. "In the past we have been fortunate enough in most years to have one but we were astounded with the five that we have."

At the meeting a monetary stipend of $250 from the school and another $250 from the district was given to students.

One of the students to receive the award was Edward Hunt who scored perfect on his Grade 11 biology exam.

"You have much to be proud of in regards to your students and you can be very proud of your mark of 100 percent, that's awesome," said Superintendent Claudia Parker. "All the marks are amazing and you can let your sons and daughters know that we are very proud of them."

Casual Friday raises over $10,000

Organizations from the community were given donations by the district raised by its Casual Friday fundraiser.

"In order for our staff to wear jeans on Friday they must fill out a form and pay two dollars a week and have three organizations that they may choose to donate their money to," said Parker.

The three organizations are the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, which received $2,785, the Yellowknife Society for Community Living which received $4,280 and the Salvation Army which was given $2,960.

"Each year we are always pleased to provide these three organizations with donations," she said.

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