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Profiteers not welcome Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, April 23, 2010
It's an easy game to play when one considers its ownership history and transformation from a neighbourhood of tenants to a condo consortium. Residents today point to Cliff Johnson, former co-owner of Triple E Developments, which bought the trailer park in 1988 and soon after began selling off individual lots. Previous to this, some of the trailers were owned by the lot tenants, who were charged rent for the land on which their trailers stood; other residents merely rented the trailers. Regardless, for much of this period afterwards Triple E remained the largest owner and thus the largest voting block within the condominium corporation. Johnson has been blamed for keeping condo fees recklessly low, according to the condo board in Yellowknifer's feature story on Northland last Wednesday, and because the fees were so low, money to replace ageing water and sewer lines - owned by Northland and not the city - wasn't there. Lot fees to the remaining renters, meanwhile, skyrocketed, while Triple E was seeking a 75 per cent profit on lot sales, according to a trailer owners association newsletter in 1990. After selling off the last of the lots a couple years ago, Johnson quietly rode off into the sunset, taking his pile of money with him, or so the legend goes. Northland owners may feel wronged now, but to lay the blame squarely at Johnson's feet is a bit rich. Residents - tenants included - voted in favour of a condo association 20 years ago; and there is certainly no indication that they were not in favour of low condo fees - $65 a month six years ago - year after year. Nor, at least until very recently, have people been dissuaded from purchasing in Northland, generally the least expensive real estate in town. Longtime resident and board member Pearl Benyk most recently told Yellowknifer that Johnson "was given carte blanche to run things they way he did." But she identified at least part of the problem last fall, after learning Northland trailer owners needed $18 million for infrastructure improvements: "There are many people that think this is part of the city and the city needs to fix it. They don't internalize that this is their land, that they're responsible for it." The city rightly reduced property taxes in Northland by a small amount last week, which were too high compared to other trailer parks in the city. The city is also seeking ways to help ease the pain for residents when it comes time to start paying for the crumbling water and sewer lines. Despite hopes of finding money grants and loans with other levels of government, the city will likely be the source of most of the money and that should be done through long-term, low-interest loans. And, should any Northland owner wish to sell the property before the loan is repaid, the remaining balance must be attached to the purchase price, with that portion going to the city. It's only fair that if Yellowknifers come to the aid of Northland residents, there is no chance of people profiting from a quick sale.
Sports that excite Editorial Comment Guy Quenneville Deh Cho Drum - Thursday, April 22, 2010
Late last month and early this month, 14 students from Echo Dene School in Fort Liard travelled to a first-class ski resort in neighbouring British Columbia to learn how to snowboard. Interest in the sport among the hamlet's youth spiked in the wake of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. So after a suggestion from students, the hamlet decided to bus the students south for a two-day crash course in the popular winter sport. Hamlets, band offices, municipal governments and First Nations representatives all work continually hard to provide fresh and exciting ways for youth to spread their wings, inside and outside the community, and good on them. The goal of the trip, according to the hamlet's manager of recreation and wellness, was to whet the students' appetite for the sport and hopefully encourage the students to put their new skills to use on the hamlet's small but capable snow hill. Since several of the students have expressed an interest in getting a snowboard, consider it mission accomplished. Meanwhile, in Fort Simpson, a dream that has long appeared unattainable is finally going to become a reality. Yes, the village will install a skate park in the community this summer - several years behind schedule. As one person put it, "Some of the people who originally pushed for this now have kids." Regardless of the delays, the news has been met positively by Fort Simpson's skateboarding community, as it should. Youth need a place to call their own, and youth centres and recreation halls - by virtue of their being indoors - can only serve that purpose to a point. It's not just a matter of convenience, or having a place to hang out. It's a matter of safety. It's not a rare sight to see teenagers skateboarding on the front steps of Thomas Simpson School, on the sidewalk or, perhaps most alarmingly, in the middle of the street. They do it not because they get a kick out of scaring passersby, but because they have nowhere else to go. Nathan McPherson, the village's recreation co-ordinator, is to be commended for taking the initiative one year ago when he decided, upon starting the position, that the money set aside for the park would no longer go on collecting dust. Special mention must also go, of course, to the village and the Liidlii Kue First Nation who are footing the bill. Now, let's roll. Guy Quenneville is the interim editor of Deh Cho Drum. Roxanna Thompson returns next week.
Who's minding our dogs? Editorial Comment Andrew Rankin Inuvik Drum - Thursday, April 22, 2010 I don't know why it's taken me this long to say this, but I think the town needs to provide a free service where dogs can be spayed and neutered. Maybe that means taxes have to be raised but I think the situation has come to that. I'll admit I would have no problem with that, but then again, I'm a dog lover. The problem came to mind after I covered a rather heart warming event a few weeks ago involving our town veterinarian, Peter Krizan. Mushing legend Frank Turner travelled here from the Yukon with his dogs en route to Herschel Island. Overnight one of them got injured and needed medical attention. Turner was surprised to find out we indeed have our own animal doctor. Instead of having to leave his animal behind, Krizan did the needed work, which included stitching the wounds, and away they went. The dog, Mischief, was well on his way to being healthy. Seeing Turner so happy made me realize just how lucky we are to have our own veterinarian. It also made me realize that he's being taken for granted. Which is funny when you consider, aside from Krizan, the closest vets to us are in Hay River and Yellowknife. Yet in talking to Krizan I know he's having trouble making ends meet. That's a shame. Through our discussion I found out that many dog owners in town don't ensure their animals get the proper vaccines to keep them healthy. As a result Krizan, on many occasions, has had to deal with severely sick animals whose illnesses wouldn't have gotten so bad if they were given basic care. I'm not trying to point a finger here, but if you look around town there isn't enough being done to help the animals. In talking to some residents I've found most are willing to support such a free service. So maybe we should get started on one. I'm not saying that having it would eliminate the stray dog population but it would be a move in the right direction and show that we're at least trying to tackle the root problem. Part of the town bylaw officer's job is to pick up stray dogs and hold them at the pound until someone claims them. Surely their efforts could be put to better use. Dog owners also used to be able to have their animals vaccinated against rabies free of charge. But that territory funded service was scraped once our veterinarian arrived. Meanwhile Aklavik dog owners are still offered the service for free. Where's the logic in that? No one needs to be reminded that there are foxes hanging around town. Foxes sometimes carry rabies, which can be passed on to dogs if the animals come in contact. Everyone also knows that rabies can be passed on from dog to human. The bottom line is that our governments could be doing a lot more to deal with the town's stray dog situation but they are not. It's up to us to do something about it.
Safety net doesn't offer much assurance Yellowknifer - Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Kevin Todd, the North Slave superintendent of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI), insisted last week that the program, which offers the full or partial return of trip deposits to visitors who have booked NWT excursions, had not been cancelled despite a statement on the department's website earlier in the week claiming just that. The statement has since been removed.
Last December Todd sent a letter to outfitters stating the department would no longer be "receptive to claims," but a few days later ITI backtracked on that statement.
The mixed message as to the fate of the program, particularly when caribou outfitters face extinction themselves, can only breed a lack of confidence in the industry.
The GNWT seems to be doing precious little to help this $5 million a year industry.
The suggestion to have clients pay with a credit card, which offers refunds, is a good idea, but, outside of that, ITI also needs to guarantee how much of the tourist's trip deposit will be returned. Providing from "zero to 100" per cent back, as Todd mentioned, offers little peace of mind.
The GNWT has to stop writhing like a fish on a hook. It must make sure outfitters and tourists alike are taken care of, and show it supports hunting and fishing lodges.
Last week an early draft of the city's 10-year plan indicated that in order to pay for everything planned, property taxes in 2010-11 would need to rise by 7.21 per cent.
Yellowknife is a small city with a population that has decreased slightly over several years.
Operating mines within the city limits became a thing of the past in 2003, along with the revenue they brought the city through their taxes.
Yet since then we've built the twin-pad Multiplex arena, the Somba K'e plaza outside city hall, renovated the library and now we're constructing the Fieldhouse. We've prettified one side of 50 Street and are about to move on to the next. There's aging infrastructure such as water and sewer lines to be replaced, streets to be resurfaced, and a landfill that will need expansion in coming years.
Over the past few months, citizens have been decrying the cost of living in this city - something which may well be contributing to the population's stagnation. A tax hike of this magnitude would only make it that much more expensive to live here and may drive some residents away.
Something's got to give. The city has to either reduce its spending or hike taxes. Most of our city councillors have told Yellowknifer they wouldn't support a tax increase of 7.21 per cent.
We're counting on them to reduce the tax hike substantially, and we hope those citizens who think Yellowknife's cost of living is too high will accept the corresponding decrease in grand civic projects.
While there were extenuating circumstances, that does not change the fact the blizzard that ripped through the Kivalliq in late March and early April claimed a life.
I can't say how many difficult stories I've written, now in my 12th year with Kivalliq News, that dealt with someone dying on the land, but there's been far too many.
In fact, one story about someone dying on the land is one too many as far as I'm concerned.
The wildest environment I face every winter can be found at the Rankin arena.
I have absolutely no desire to go out on the land during the winter months because, quite frankly, the thought of it puts the fear of God into me.
From my first week in Rankin Inlet in December 1998, I was amazed at the severity of the Kivalliq climate.
Yes, our winters have been a little warmer the past few years.
Great. Now, if you're not careful or don't know what you're doing out there, it might take a few minutes more to send you to the promised land.
I don't find that a particularly comforting thought, by any means.
I've developed an incredible amount of respect over the years for those who possess the skills necessary to hunt, travel and survive on the land during our winter months, especially the elders.
It's nothing short of mind-boggling to me when I see someone in their 60s, or older, heading out in -30 C temperatures or colder.
They seem to give out awards for just about everything these days and, to me, each and every person who possesses such skills should be recognized for them, as they're truly amazing.
On the other side of the coin, however, are the feelings I get when I see someone taking unnecessary, or just plain stupid, chances during our coldest months.
A young man from Whale Cove got very lucky recently when he tried to make it to Rankin Inlet by machine after his friend had turned back due to bad weather.
He was fortunate to have made it back alive after running into machine problems.
We all know of people who lost their lives trying to make big money bingo games in Rankin, going out to their cabin with light clothes and no gear because they trusted their machine, trying to travel from one community to another, or out on 'short' hunting or fishing trips on their own without emergency supplies.
I've been here long enough to know a great many folks in this region don't need some guy, originally from the south, preaching to them about being careful on the land.
That's especially true when it happens to be a guy who doesn't go out on the land unless it's 10 C or warmer.
But there's an old saying from the south: familiarity breeds contempt.
In other words, you do something long enough and a false sense of security sets in.
A certain late Australian and dangerous animal lover comes to mind, as does a late bear lover.
As impressive as your skills are out on the land, there is precious little room for error in the Arctic environment.
So, by all means, continue to impress me, but, please, let's be careful out there.
Although party politics rule the federal political domain, that is not the philosophy in the NWT. Before Aglukkaq became Nunavut's MP, she was an MLA for Nunavut's Nattilik riding and a GN employee. She knows full well that co-operation is the cornerstone of NWT and Nunavut politics.
The NWT and Nunavut face similar problems to varying degrees and it is vital that they are recognized by Ottawa. Funding and programs are desperately needed to combat the effects of long distance government, shortages in skilled labour, a lack of health care workers and other professionals, and a dire need for improved infrastructure.
When Aglukkaq went to Inuvik she announced much needed funding to help residents of the NWT train for jobs. If the program lives up to its potential, approximately 400 jobs could be created, nearly 100 of them in the health care sector.
All good news. It's too bad our Conservative health minister used the moment to try and demean Bevington's influence in Ottawa, an attempt to politically manoeuvre her party into higher standing here.
Aglukkaq's statement may indeed have the opposite effect. As a minister, when she says she does not work with Bevington, she is ultimately telling the people of the NWT she has no interest in working with them either. Whether the Conservatives like it or not, the NDP MP is the Northwest Territories' representative in Ottawa. He was elected by the people and it is his job to bring the voice of the territory to parliament.
Obviously, the Conservative Party - struggling in the polls - is fighting to improve its public image and win as many seats as possible. The Conservatives have not held a seat in the NWT since the 1980s. Throwing money into rural areas is a good way to attract voters but surprisingly Aglukkaq made a tactical error in her assessment of the hearts and minds of Northerners.
Whether Bevington is doing his job adequately is for the voters to decide. If Aglukkaq wants to improve the Conservatives' image in the NWT she should have demonstrated more respect for its political representative. If she indeed does not have a professional working relationship with Bevington, we suggest she forge one.
Even better, fight for the North in Ottawa. That would further the fortunes of her party far greater than political attacks.
A young boy in Iglulik is no longer among us, due to an accident in the community on April 6.
A sewage truck struck and killed the boy, who, according to police, slid into the street after sliding in his family's driveway.
The RCMP say the driver had no time to react.
It's a tragic situation all around, but it's far, far too common.
There have been several similar deaths across Nunavut over the past decade. It got so bad that in 2005 a coroner's inquest was held to find ways to address the problem. The panel came up with a number of recommendations including safety awareness campaigns and training courses on the safe operation of large vehicles, having helpers accompany sewage and water trucks, improving visibility by keeping snow piles back from roads and better inspections of vehicles.
Those recommendations may have saved lives, but we are still losing pedestrians to accidents, especially children.
Schools must reinforce the dangers posed by vehicles. The basics, such as looking both ways while crossing the street, have to be emphasized. Parents must be sure to explain to their sons and daughters that big trucks can be as dangerous as polar bears or open water.
If adults see children playing on or near roads, they must intervene, escorting the young ones away from those areas.
Truck drivers have to be on high alert as much as possible. While they are human and bound to become distracted at times, the consequences can be fatal and devastating.
We all have a role to play in preventing these tragic accidents. We can't afford to look away or be silent.
There's much to promote when it comes to the Akitsiraq Law School. It graduated 11 students from its first class in 2005. Every one of those grads is now employed in the field of law.
That's nothing short of remarkable.
But there's a thirst to produce even more made-in-Nunavut lawyers. To that end, the law school held an open house on March 27. With 25 seats available in the upcoming offering of the program, there has already been close to 75 people showing interest in signing up, according to Anne Crawford, the program's northern director.
This is promising, but there's a hitch. The next round of homemade lawyers are all waiting on a core funding commitment from the Government of Nunavut. These are future attorneys who may someday represent Nunavut in disputes with Ottawa over self-government, take on international conservation cases or help keep the overburdened territorial criminal justice system moving beyond a snail's pace.
What is the GN waiting for? There's a need for not only more lawyers, but accountants, doctors and engineers. Let's make those sorts of programs happen closer to home as well.
Nunavut's future hinges on it.