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Correction/Retraction On July 16, 2009, the Law Society of the NWT ruled that Yellowknife lawyer Patrice Taylor was guilty of professional misconduct in failing to serve Legal Aid clients by calling one client a liar before an appearance in territorial court in 2005; failing to appear for clients in court on four separate occasions in the period from January 2006 to July 2007; appearing late in court for a client in November 2006; and in failing to pass on Crown disclosure to a client in a timely way prior to his appearance in court in August 2007. She was fined $2,000 for her conduct as well as costs of $10,000 by the Law Society and she is appealing the ruling. On Nov. 25, Yellowknifer published in error that she had been disbarred. She remains a practising member of the Law Society. Yellowknifer sincerely apologizes for the error.
Hard-hearted bureaucracy Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, November 27, 2009
We must presume that not even the hardest-hearted members of the public service would wish the sort of week the Caisses endured earlier this month. The elderly couple drove into town on a near-empty gas tank, with all their belongings, presuming there would be keys waiting for them to their new apartment supplied by the Yellowknife Housing Authority. The Caisses, who for 16 years lived in a shack off Highway 3, were expecting Income Security with the Department of Education, Culture and Employment, to cover their damage deposit. The couple, both of whom are physically disabled, live off of Timothee's Canada Pension Plan disability payments - amounting to less than $800 a month. But there was a mix up at Income Security, and the housing authority wasn't assured the damage deposit was covered. The housing agency consequently refused to let the couple move into their publicly-subsidized apartment. Out of gas and out of money, the couple hunkered down in their Jeep. They spent the night there in subzero temperatures, and then another night because there was no one they could find to speak to on Nov. 11 - a statutory holiday. Helen went to stay with family in Behchoko on Nov. 12 while Timothee endured one more night out in the cold. He was finally able to sort everything out on Nov. 13, a Friday, and move into the apartment. By then, both Timothee and Helen were sick. Jim White, chief executive officer of the housing authority, said rules are rules in an attempt to excuse his agency's treatment of the couple. They couldn't guarantee they would have the money, so they weren't let in. Its understandable that the agency is wary of people trying to scam the system, but next time, particularly if it's winter and they're dealing with clients who are elderly and sick, maybe they should ask them if they have a place to go before throwing them into the street.
Caribou management Editorial Comment Roxanna Thompson Deh Cho Drum - Thursday, November 26, 2009
Fort Simpson was the first of 26 communities in the territory that will be visited. The purpose of the community meetings is to gather local knowledge about factors contributing to the caribou decline and what information to consider when a recovery strategy is written. However, the real question is, who should be responsible for protecting boreal caribou in the Deh Cho? I Who better to look after the future of a species like boreal caribou than the people who have a vested interest in its survival? The people who travel on the land for traditional activities like harvesting have decades of stored first hand experience and teachings that allows them to tell if things are changing for a species. The people who have a history with the land and have successfully utilized a species for untold generations, like members of the first nations in the Deh Cho, naturally feel they should be the ones setting conservation guidelines for boreal caribou. It rankles when another group, who may have never set foot on the land, lays out guidelines for how things ought to and will proceed. In the Deh Cho a conversation about protecting boreal caribou can quickly turn into a conversation about settling land negotiations and implementing the Dehcho Land Use Plan. The Dehcho First Nations and Acho Dene Koe First Nation are both negotiating with the federal and territorial governments. Neither group has a settled land claim and both are negotiating self-government powers. Who will have control of and responsibility for the land and the animals that live on it is an important part of these discussions. The Dehcho Land Use Plan also looms large on the discussion table. If the plan was implemented development could be restricted in certain areas. Decisions on possible development projects could be made keeping the best interest of boreal caribou in mind. The argument goes that given the necessary tools and power the Dehcho First Nations and Acho Dene Koe First Nation are more than capable of managing boreal caribou with little to no outside influence. Everyone can agree that boreal caribou need to be protected but until deeper, more political issues, in the Deh Cho are settled a conversation about what's best for boreal caribou will always be about a lot more than ungulates that like lichen.
Celebrating CBQM Editorial Comment Andrew Rankin Inuvik Drum - Thursday, November 26, 2009 What I understood going in was that Allen was born and raised here, he's a pretty accomplished artist and people here, from what I gather, think a lot of him. Frankly, I was mesmerized by the film. I don't think I was the only one who felt that way, judging by what I saw and heard that evening. I even saw a few tears shed. It was a unique and impressively original glimpse into a community institution that is essentially a lifeline for its residents. I'm not an expert on filmmaking but I have some experience with the difficulty of piecing together meaningful stories whether for radio or print. There were a lot of aspects of the film to marvel at. Refreshingly, there was nothing contrived about it. What comes immediately to mind are the characters introduced in the film, all ordinary citizens volunteering in one way or another at the station but each seemed to have humour and spirit in spades. Even more surprising was that they were unphazed by having a camera documenting their lives. It was as if they were all veteran actors. The imagery was stunning, notably the slow moving ice flowing down the river or the scene where an elderly couple are quietly going about their business at a camp on the land while the radio airs CBQM in the background. The style with which Allen went about combining the images and scenes together in such a taut, near rapid fire way surely had to be an enormous challenge. Never mind the fact he shot 60 hours of film. After the showing, Allen said he thought most people were drawn to the movie because it offers a community that viewers can almost feel a part of, especially at a time when many feel disconnected to their own. That statement resonated with me. I didn't grown up in Fort McPherson, but there were a lot of characters who I could identify with in the film. Coincidentally, the next night, I arrived at the old-time dance at Ingamo Hall ready to take some photos for the Drum. I listened to the fiddle music and watched the dancers. Then I found myself reminded of the square dances back home in Cape Breton. I wanted to dance, so I did because it felt natural. Whether I looked natural is another story. I did feel a sense of commonality while I was there. I think the magic of the film is its ability to not only show how people yearn to be part of something greater than themselves, but sometimes in such a setting it brings out the best in them. If many of us focused on what we have in common rather than what we don't, the world would likely be a better place. I'd like to think that was, at least, one of Allen's themes.
Diavik shows commitment to the North Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The new hires are part of a plan to develop an underground mine at the site, located 300 km northeast of Yellowknife. To Yellowknife's benefit, Diavik announced it wants its employees to be living in the North. At least 40 new jobs at the site will be entry-level, with priority given to aboriginal and Northern workers. Many others will come from the south. From Yellowknife the employees will be transported to the mine to work their shifts, rather than flown in from Edmonton at the company's expense. Diavik's commitment to hire and train Northern workers is an important step, as is encouraging them to live here through the flight arrangement. It shows the company is responding to calls from our elected officials that workers must live here, and bolster the development of the NWT. The territory is more than just a repository of natural resources for the south. The city and the territory's future hinges on residents who call this place home, buy local goods, use local services and pay local taxes. Other mining and resource companies should recognize they too have a stake in the development of the North, and follow Diavik's example.
Zoning bylaws discourage builders Wednesday, November 25, 2009 The city's zoning bylaws continue to discourage home builders, as Niels Konge of Konge Construction reminded city council earlier this month. The builder said stipulations on grading and height requirements have increased costs of his projects in Niven Lake. He also made it clear that other specifications on materials, size, location and appearance can add tens of thousands of dollars to projects. Recurring complaints from developers show that city hall's bylaws do not adequately take the city's unique landscape into account. Overblown bylaws complicate matters – they discourage building, and put up barriers to construction of affordable housing. The city must consider the problems specific landscapes pose to developers, and the best way to do this is to take Konge and other developers up on their invitation to visit sites to see how bylaws can be better adapted to apply. At a city council meeting on Nov. 16, city councillor Bob Brooks acknowledged that restrictions on Phase 7 of the Niven Lake subdivision are making the area unattractive for development – a point reinforced by the slow sales of lots. Jeffery Humble, the city's director of planning and lands, suggested that city administration meet with contractors to devise changes that make sense. These are needed steps. City councillors and administrators cannot be too far removed from the realities of those who build the homes, and those who want to buy them.
No time for making assurances Editorial Comment Darrell Greer Kivalliq News - Wednesday, November 25, 2009 While we all hope things work out for the best, all is not well in the world of high finance in Nunavut. While some wage the good fight to keep program funding flowing into our territory, others are playing the role of financial fortune tellers at a time when such an approach is deeply disturbing. Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) recently announced a projected deficit of $4.4 million this year. While we applaud NTI president Paul Kaludjak's determination to cut spending and not "significantly" reduce programs and services to Inuit beneficiaries, we hope he has a rather large knife because he's probably going to need it. Nunavut Trust, NTI's chief source of funding, took a beating on the world markets during the recent downturn in the global economy. In fact, Nunavut Trust funds have lost $150 million worth of their value since 2008. Add the fact NTI still has an outstanding $4-million loan to Nunavut Trust, and the big picture is far from rosy. We were nothing short of flabbergasted to learn of Kaludjak's contention that NTI, presumably by Nunavut Trust, were "assured" the millions lost in market value can be recovered as the market rebounds. A brave prediction, indeed! Much of the economic recovery we've seen has been the direct result of government stimulus spending. Even the gains realized in the housing markets have come mostly from tax incentives which may, or may not, be renewed. Job loss has, at least, levelled off after months and months of tens of thousands of North American workers receiving their pink slips, but nowhere are we seeing a dramatic rise in hiring in the all-important private sector. The feds are rattling their financial sabre over cutting many programs that have benefited not only Inuit, but aboriginal people across the country. And, behind it all, lurks a potentially devastating threat created by our aging population. More than nine million Canadians will be aged 65 or over by the year 2031. Closer to home, it's estimated more than 40 per cent of the federal civil service will retire between 2010-2011. When you add in the fact Canadians are having fewer babies than ever before, and most people are living considerably longer these days, you quickly realize it won't be long before the federal government has to make some tough decisions in order to care for an aging population. What this, in all probability, is going to mean for Nunavut is that many federally-funded programs are going to disappear. We're just seeing the tip of that particular iceberg right now. Yes, many people will work longer and Freedom 55 is nothing but an illusion, but there will be very difficult times ahead for Canada. It may not be insurmountable, but it's certainly going to hurt. One thing we do know for sure: this is not the time to be making assurances for recouping hundreds of millions of dollars unless one has the blueprint to H.G. Wells's Time Machine – and that puppy's been missing since 1895!
MLAs new clothes NWT News/North - Monday, November 23, 2009 One of the Danish author's most notable fairy tales - the Emperor's New Clothes - is about how swindlers con an arrogant emperor into buying clothes made of invisible thread, explaining only those who are incompetent can't see them. Our government is weaving its own invisible clothes by trying to sell an $86,000 government trip to Europe in the name of climate change. Premier Floyd Roland, Minister Michael Miltenberger, MLAs David Krutko, Bob Bromley, Glen Abernethy and two staffers are travelling to Copenhagen next month to attend a global conference. Just as human rights took a hit for 9/11, it seems climate change is being used to justify blank-cheque spending. Does anyone believe a 11-day trip to Copenhagen costs $12,000 a person? Miltenberger said the trip was purposefully over budgeted. He promises what is not spent will be put back into government coffers. We all know how often government under spends budgets and politicians keep their promises. Only our government is arrogant enough to think it can sell the illusion that sending seven people to a climate change conference halfway around the world helps anyone. Abernethy admitted members of the NWT contingent are going as observers, meaning they will have zero power to influence. Will there be ideas presented at the conference that can be applied in the NWT? Likely. But Alaska, which has 10 times the population as the NWT and similar environmental concerns, is only sending one person. We have a few suggestions how the MLAs can spend their time on climate change related activities. They can get down with reggae star Shaggy and other celebrities during the Dance For Climate Change. They should then head over to the Fashion Summit on ethical clothing, an ideal spot for our MLAs to support Northern clothiers. Don't forget your sealskin gloves! Oh, those are banned in Denmark. For those homesick moments, they can head over to the Arctic Venue put on by the same Danes who banned the sealskin. While MLAs dance away the night, Northerners suffering the effects of the present economic crunch may wonder where MLAs get the nerve to take off on a ritzy holiday. The legislative assembly must believe they deserve a break. For months they have been under siege. After protests over health benefits, board mergers and student funding cuts, combined with our premier's affair and subsequent conflict of interest hearing, they must be tired. What better way to escape the woes of this do-nothing assembly than to flee to one of the most expensive cities in the world? In 2007, when the GNWT released its greenhouse gas emission reduction strategy, its most notable point was that without a devolution agreement the NWT has little power to control its largest contributors to climate change - industry and transportation. We doubt the Copenhagen conference will have any advice on how to negotiate a devolution agreement. If climate change activists want something to protest, they can start with our government's contribution to global warming by burning more than 80 grand of climate change money on gas-guzzling jet planes and caviar.
Net profit Nunavut News/North - Monday, November 23, 2009 Sometimes a message has to be repeated to a politician over and over again before it sinks in. To the Conservative government's credit, it finally seems to understand that the turbot fishery in the Davis Strait belongs primarily to Nunavummiut. Gail Shea, federal Fisheries minister, announced a 1,500 tonne increase in Canada's turbot quota on Nov. 9 and Nunavut was awarded 90 per cent of that. Jerry Ward, CEO of the Baffin Fisheries Coalition, called the increase "a good start." And he's right. With the hike in the catch, Nunavut's portion of the zone 0B turbot fishery, located off the southeast shore of Baffin Island - rises to 41 per cent from 27 per cent. The increase certainly shows progress from last year when the federal government rubber-stamped the transfer of 1,900 tonnes of the zone 0B turbot catch from one Atlantic fishing company to another. Nunavut fisheries groups were up in arms over the thoughtless move and the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board went to court in an attempt to get the decision overturned. In 2003, Ottawa announced a 2,000 tonne increase to the shrimp catch near Qikiqtarjuaq, but only 51 per cent of it went to Nunavut while the remainder was granted to Atlantic Canada. The value of Nunavut's turbot catch in 2008 was $42 million while the shrimp fishery rang in at $15.4 million. Since 2005, the Nunavut Fisheries Training Consortium has trained close to 350 Nunavummiut to work in the fishery. When you put the revenues and the employment opportunities together, you arrive at an avenue to self-reliance in a territory that lacks jobs, other than government positions and the burgeoning mining industry. Fortunately the federal government saw fit earlier this year to provide the bulk of the fisheries training consortium's $6 million in funding to keep the organization afloat until 2012. Over the past two years, Stephen Harper's Conservative government has committed $25 million to create a small craft harbour in Pangnirtung, which is welcome by fishers from the community. But it still won't be enough for Pang's fish plant to accommodate large commercial fishing vessels. In addition, Pond Inlet, Repulse Bay, Qikiqtarjuaq, Clyde River, Chesterfield Inlet and Kugaaruk have a solid case for a small craft harbour. The feds clearly have more work to do. This new turbot allocation should ease some of the competition among the groups with an interest in the Nunavut fishery: Arctic Fishery Alliance, the Baffin Fisheries Coalition, Cumberland Sound Fisheries, Qikiqtaaluk Corporation and Pangnirtung Fisheries and the Nunavut Development Corporation. It's difficult for the smaller organizations to invest in boats when they are only entitled to a small portion of the catch. There's plenty of interest and still not enough fish to go around. Ottawa must keep looking North to foster greater independence in a young but promising territory.
Corrections Incorrect information appeared in a promo in Wednesday's Yellowknifer ("Legion helps out scouts", Nov. 25). Terry Banks made a personal donation to the scouts, not the Legion. Also, there was an error in the news brief "Lawyer appeals disbarment." Patrice Taylor continues to be a member of the Law Society of the NWT. She is appealing $10,000 in costs and a $2,000 fine levied by the law society under the Legal Professions Act. Additionally, Anthony Foliot's name was misspelled in the article "Hail to SnowKing." Yellowknifer apologizes for any confusion or embarrassment caused by the errors.