Passing the buck
Cece Hodgson-McCauley Guest comment Monday, August 3, 2009 Previous columns ![]() It takes a lot to put me down, but I'm reaching the end of my patience with my infection of shingles going on for four months. With advice from people and my search, I'm almost an expert on the chicken pox bug that we all carry. They sit dormant in your body and they attack when agitated. So, be nice to those little bugs! On top of all of my misery, I am always hopeful for good news about the road. But it looks like the federal government is passing the buck in their excuse by using all our lame duck leaders in the political arena by using politics. They say they must have the support of the Sahtu leaders, etc. so I just heard yesterday that there is a letter that is signed by the four leaders of the Sahtu region. I don't know if they mean the chiefs? Because we only have three chiefs, could mean land corporation leaders, there are seven of them. I had hope in Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservatives after the Liberals ignored the North for so long. Anyhow, let's see what happens at this meeting in Norman Wells in August, regarding the Mackenzie Valley Highway. Anyhow, there are more coverage on the Arctic region these days on TV. All of these experts sitting down south behind desks in high rise offices, there is a lecture almost everyday on TV by different speakers, not one of them speaks about the future and what should be done, not a word about the mainland of the NWT and Nunavut? Not a word about how they are going to protect the mainland and its people. I may be simple minded, but I believe they must open up the two territories with a main highway in each Territory, we need an army base in each region, in the paper yesterday, headlines Russia plans peaceful parachute drop at the North Pole! What will they do next? It isn't only the few countries in the Arctic region that are busy exploring the region, China and many other countries are all there snooping around also! Anyhow, we seem to be getting so much coverage in the papers on home shelters for the poor homeless people. It makes me wonder? There seems to be so much concentration on the homeless, how long a homeless person is allowed to be homeless? Maybe they should report on the results, do they end up in the training for a job or what? It would be interesting to know. Very quiet and dull in Norman Wells, no exploration companies around because of the pipeline being in limbo. This is why we need the road to the connect to the Dempster Highway, even the river, the mighty Mackenzie River is dead. It is August and I haven't seen an Northern Transportation Boot and Barge, yet I think they are all in the Beaufort Sea. We have the Cooper Company, yes sir, something must happen soon in the Mackenzie Valley, I know I am going to keep fighting for the road. Even if I have to put up with a bunch of leaders with narcissism traits, who live in a make-believe world. - Cece Hodgson-McCauley is the founding chief of the Inuvik Dene band and will remain honourary chief for life. She can be reached at fax (867) 587-3003 or by phone (867) 587-3037. |