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Father upset over loss of namesake
Cara Loverock Northern News Services Published Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The course, now called Yellowknife Mini-Golf, was originally called the Wade Hamer Mini-Golf Course. It was built in 1990 by 143 volunteers and named for Hamer's son who died in 1987 at the age of 18. The course was operated by the Wade Hamer Foundation until 2004.
Hamer said when he left Yellowknife that year the course was left to the Kiwanis Club. The mini-golf course is now being operated by the Centre for Northern Families. "It hurts," Hamer said of the name change. He said his son was a prominent member of the community and a skilled hockey player. "I think it's quite an insult to those of us who built it and my son's memory." Hamer, now a resident of Alberta, said the name change came to his attention about two years ago. "I wrote a letter to the city asking why," he said, adding he never got an explanation. "I'd like to see it restored." Grant White, director of community services with the city, said the Centre for Northern Families is in a lease with the city to operate the mini-golf course. "When it was called the Wade Hamer Mini-Golf Course it was operated by the Wade Hamer Foundation," said White, explaining since the course is now under new management, they can change the name if they want. The Centre for Northern Families confirmed the course is called Yellowknife Mini-Golf, but no members of the centre returned calls for comment by press time. The annual Wade Hamer Hockey Challenge is still held in Yellowknife and the foundation also operated a hockey school for 10 years.