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Let them read Yellowknifer - Friday, March 13, 2009
Without his keen eye and inquisitive nature we may never have learned that the jail was throwing hundreds of books into the dump because corrections officials considered maintaining a library to be a waste of time.
Humphries argues that throwing books out is a crime against humanity because so many people and communities outside of Yellowknife don't have easy access to books. Let's not forget the dismal literacy rates in the territory. The NWT Literacy Council reports that 42 per cent of working adults - never mind prison inmates - don't have enough literacy skills to function in today's world. Eric Kieken, warden of North Slave Correctional Centre, said he hasn't heard any interest from inmates to have a library but so what? He's not a cruise ship event planner, he's a jail warden and part of that job is to see that inmates are rehabilitated. And by rehabilitated, that means on a path away from crime and towards getting some bona fide education and work skills. The correctional centre does teach a basic literacy program, and at least had the sense not to throw all its books away. Inmates are encouraged to stay busy and out of trouble because if they do, their prison sentences are reduced. The territorial government should encourage this incentive to a greater extent through reading and educational programs. Some may argue that spending money on criminals to put them in a classroom or buy them books is being too soft on them, but what would you rather have? Criminals that remain ignorant and commit more crimes or functioning people who have turned their lives around?
Catholic school board out of line Yellowknifer - Friday, March 13, 2009 Yellowknife Catholic Schools has gone to the courts twice in order to keep non-Catholics off its board of trustees - and twice the board has lost. Since announcing it will be attempting to take its battle to the Supreme Court of Canada, YCS has refused to respect the fact that, up to this point, the law has made it clear non-Catholics are to be accepted on the board. On Feb. 24, Amy Hacala, the only non-Catholic on the board, requested the school change its policy through a motion that would reflect the court rulings. This was denied. This disrespect of the courts' rulings can only work to further alienate non-Catholics, both young and old, from the school system. YCS says it wants its constitutional rights respected and this fight is also about the battle against the board merger. The Catholic school board has every right to take its case to the highest court; that's what the Supreme court is there for. In the meantime, disregarding existing rulings from the NWT courts makes the school board appear as if it's above the law. Children should be taught to abide by the rules set by authority, even in situations where one does not get what one wants. How can students be expected to abide by the rules if the school won't set the example?
The countdown Editorial Comment Roxanna Thompson Deh Cho Drum - Thursday, March 12, 2009
It's been a while since the Dehcho First Nations (DFN) has held an election for the grand chief. When the current grand chief, Jerry Antoine, was put in the position in February 2008 it was with the understanding that there would be an election held at the next annual assembly. When June came around, however, delegates at the assembly voted to give Antoine a full year in office. The last election was actually in June, 2003, when Herb Norwegian was chosen from amongst four other candidates. In 2006, the next election year, Norwegian was acclaimed when he was the only person to submit an application by the nomination deadline. There's no way to predict how this year's elections will play out. As Richard Lafferty, a member of the election committee, pointed out every DFN election has been unique. The variety is primarily because the election policy has always been changed between each three-year term, but the differences extend farther. There have been quiet elections and contentious ones. One year there were eight candidates running for the position, but there have also been acclamations. If more than one person steps forward this year, which seems highly likely, residents can look forward to some candidate rivalry. If the new election policy is followed candidates will have a month to campaign. As in any election there will be hand shaking, baby kissing, speeches and promises made. Candidates will highlight their qualifications while referring to the weaknesses of their competitors in roundabout ways. During all of the smoke and mirrors, the Dene and Metis residents of the Deh Cho will have a job to do. Notably this election won't involve a regional vote with a ballot for every band and Metis member, but there's still a way for residents to have a say. During the month of campaigning residents of the various communities will have the opportunity to direct their annual assembly delegates on how to vote. In order for this election to be meaningful, and for the grand chief to actually represent the people of the Deh Cho, those very people will have to play an active role in the election. Throughout his short term as grand chief, Jerry Antoine has continuously spoken about the need for all DFN members to become involved and make their thoughts and opinions heard. The upcoming election will provide residents with the chance to exercise their rights and to have a say in the path that DFN will take over the next three years.
An awakening Editorial Comment Andrew Rankin Inuvik Drum - Thursday, March 12, 2009 That is until Monday night, when I attended a town council meeting and heard from a small community group working on behalf of local residents with disabilities. For quite some time this local committee of the NWT Persons with Disabilities has been working to provide our fellow community members with regular and adequate transportation. They met with United Taxi owner Abdalla Mohamed recently to see if he could provide an appropriate vehicle complete with a ramp for wheelchair access. Sure enough he was game. All that's needed now is the council's blessing in the form of a simple bylaw addition and Inuvik will finally have a disabled-friendly taxi, perhaps as soon as the start of summer. It's a long time coming and it speaks clearly to what a little co-operation can achieve. But that's only half the battle because such a vehicle can only do so much good when many of the community's most-frequented buildings aren't outfitted with enough elevators and ramps to service a significant portion of our community. It's easy to lay blame on council's shoulder; indeed it deserves some. But responsibility in large part should also fall on community residents because if installing ramps and elevators in Inuvik was seen as a priority, we would already have them. Patricia Davison, a supporter of the local disabilities lobby group, raised an important point at Monday's meeting when she said that without adequate transportation and necessary infrastructure, the disabled are being shut out of their community and some are essentially being sentenced to house arrest. Maybe Monday's council meeting and the commitment shown by Mr. Mohamed will be the spark that's needed to get the ball rolling.
The problem with consensus government Yellowknifer - Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Recently, the group of 11 regular MLAs have shown what they can do when they unite against poorly executed plans by the seven-member cabinet. With the shelving of proposed board mergers and supplementary health benefits changes, as well as nearly voting out the government, Premier Floyd Roland and his cabinet are realizing the MLAs can only be pushed so far. But what happens come Friday when the legislative assembly retreats into another lengthy hibernation between sessions? The assembly will only sit for 50 days this year, leaving plenty of time in between for cabinet to overcome their fear of being tossed and for them to return to a "business as usual" frame of mind. MLAs don't meet enough. They complain they're too often left in the dark and a few question periods every year provide little time to get to the bottom of issues. This could be remedied if the legislative assembly held planning meetings in between regular sessions similar to those held by Yellowknife city council on Monday afternoons. Some may say that it would be a waste of money rounding up MLAs to send them to more meetings in Yellowknife. But how much time and money would've been saved had regular MLAs and cabinet been able to hash out the board merger and health benefit business before cabinet announced these plans, only to be voted down in the legislative assembly months later? More meetings would mean more cabinet ministers on their toes and better thought out policies for Northerners.
Shoppers going green Yellowknifer - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 Before the advent of plastic and paper bags, shoppers got along just fine using reusable bags and containers to carry their goods home. Now, as plastic bags account for a significant portion of the litter on our streets, the GNWT is following in the footsteps of other nations and jurisdictions, working to move back to more environmentally-friendly days. The government is placing a 25-cent levy on plastic bags come fall. The charge, it is hoped, will deter shoppers from using the wasteful plastic bags in favour of the reusable bags many stores have begun to sell. With this one simple move, NWT residents can help keep the territory green and still get their groceries home. Even without consideration for the environment, these reusable bags are a better choice for consumers, as they can carry more and are less likely to break. The cost of switching over to the reusable bags is bearable, considering the good they will do and knowing the alternative will be more expensive. The GNWT is even planning to provide 30,000 of them to households around the territory to jump-start the process, and Yellowknife's Co-op has already announced it will sell them at two-for-one events before the levy comes into effect. This is a move residents can stand by, and one the GNWT can be proud of.
Drug dealers not welcome Editorial Comment Darrell Greer Kivalliq News - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 We have taken the liberty in this space many times in the past to criticize the length, or lack thereof, of a number of criminal sentences imposed by those who sit on the bench in the Nunavut Court of Justice. But this time we applaud the recent stance taken by Justice Earl D. Johnson in imposing sentencing on two convicted drug traffickers in Iqaluit who were dealing in crack cocaine. The two are cousins who moved to Iqaluit from Edmonton. Rafic ElCherkaowi, 23, was the smaller player of the two and received an eight-month sentence. His partner in crime, Mohammed Jamal Cherkaoui, 21, received a more substantial four-year sentence. The police raid on two Iqaluit apartments resulted in the seizure of $78,400 in cash, and 1,484 grams of crack cocaine with a street value of about $366,000. In passing sentence, Johnson noted Cherkaoui was a remorseful young man with no record and good prospects for rehabilitation. But he also correctly noted the court must send a message to anyone in southern Canada who would exploit Inuit: there will be a high cost to those caught and convicted. We add our voice to Johnson's in hoping the steep price of doing illegal business in Nunavut will deter the majority of poison dealers from setting up shop here. Johnson referred to the drug as the curse of cocaine, which is exactly what it is - pure evil. We would, however, like to remind the judge all Nunavummiut run the same risk of addiction when exposed to this highly addictive drug, not just Inuit. The rest of us, no matter what race or colour, have no built-in super resistance to the drug. Crack cocaine is totally colour blind when it comes to its ability to ruin lives. We don't advocate the use of any drug, recreational or otherwise, but crack has few equals when it comes to the quickness and level of addiction. Literally, tens of thousands of lives have been destroyed in Canada and the U.S.A. from an addiction that started with someone just taking a few hits of crack to give it a try. A few months later, and experimentation has turned into selling everything you own for that next rock. When there's nothing left to sell, the stealing from your workplace, friends, family, neighbours and local businesses begins. Justice Johnson has sent a strong message to those who would bring the poison of crack cocaine and other similar drugs such as ecstasy, speed, heroin and crank into Nunavut. Since these vultures forfeit their humanity by wrecking numerous families and ruining thousands of lives for financial gain, the Nunavut court system should forsake the human ideal of mercy when handing down sentencing. We here in Nunavut have enough challenges to overcome without seeing our friends, neighbours and loved ones caught in the web of destruction always weaved around hard drugs. Hopefully, drug dealers will get Johnson's message that when it comes to the products they're pushing: Nunavut is closed for business!
Damage control NWT News/North - Monday, March 9, 2009
They have hit him with two conflict complaints, a non-confidence motion and a request for a loan to be audited. Leading the charge is Hay River South MLA Jane Groenewegen, who seems driven to see the premier answer for his affair with a legislative assembly committee clerk. Groenewegen's attacks on the premier keeps this issue in the public eye and may force Roland to eventually to be more forthcoming about his indiscretion. He must understand why many of the politicians facing him around the table cannot maintain confidence in his leadership. Of course, it would be completely unacceptable for the spouse or a family member of the premier - or a relative of any cabinet minister for that matter -- to serve as a legislative assembly clerk. Let us state this clearly: that rule also applies to Roland's mistress which Roland should have known and acted upon. Although we can't guess what the premier and the clerk talked about during their private hours, it's difficult to believe work never came up. His mistress attended meetings held by regular MLAs. She heard details that weren't intended to be relayed to cabinet. It's little wonder the MLAs are highly suspicious. Now Roland is under fire on another front, but one related to the first: he's been claiming residency for the home his family is living in although he is no longer there. He hasn't been since separating from his wife. Roland attempted to cast the situation in an honourable light, declaring he was keeping his family off the street. This is a clear breach of assembly rules. No one wants Roland's family on the street. We do, however, expect him to follow the rules and pay for his personal choices. Of a less personal nature but again an issue of judgement and rules, MLAs want the $34 million bail-out loan to Discovery Air to undergo an audit. After the loan came to light in January, it raised questions as to why this was the first time the government's Opportunities Fund was used to assist a business and what policies were followed. There were also questions about Discovery Air's ability to manage its debts, the government's ability to seize the company's assets should it become insolvent and the role personal relationships between Discovery executives and cabinet ministers played. Premier and cabinet are not going to get a free ride after making overtures about improving communications with regular MLAs and the public. How well Roland's administration weathers these latest salvos will determine the future of his government.
Nunavut should have its own chamber of mines Nunavut News/North - Monday, March 9, 2009 It's been almost 10 years since Nunavut emerged from the Northwest Territories. In many ways our territory has found its legs, forming its own power corporation, establishing an impressive broadband Internet system that has reached every community and passing its made-at-home language legislation and a new Education Act. Now, as Mike Vaydik, general manager of the NWT and Nunavut Chamber of Mines suggests, it's time for a Nunavut-exclusive chamber of mines. Our territory has most definitely attracted the interest of mining and exploration companies. Our land is rich in natural resources, particularly metals and minerals. Although the only operational mine, Jericho, stopped operating last year, others are ready to enter the construction phase, such as Meadowbank, 70 kilometres north of Baker Lake, and Doris North, 140 kilometres south of Cambridge Bay. We've lost diamond production, for now, but we're moving closer to extracting gold. It's expected five mines will be up and running in Nunavut by 2010. In addition, close to $300 million was spent in mining exploration in 2008. That follows approximately $330 million in 2007. In this respect, Nunavut has far surpassed the NWT. While a drastic overall spending reduction is expected in 2009, a year plagued by global recession and high commodity prices are sure to return again. When that happens, this territory will be positioned to prosper to an even greater extent, especially if a resource revenue sharing agreement is realized with the federal government. Much mining expertise has been gained through training programs for Inuit, be it in drilling, camp work, or heavy equipment operation. As well, Inuit organizations have hammered out benefits agreements to ensure a fair share of jobs and contracts are realized and revenues will be shared. Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated has even created a partnership with Kaminak Gold Corp. to form the Kivalliq Energy Corp., which is actively seeking to develop a massive uranium deposit about 300 kilometres east of Rankin Inlet. At the 10th Kitikmeot Trade Show in Cambridge Bay last month, Vaydik mentioned that he is conferring with Economic Development Minister Peter Taptuna to form a Nunavut Chamber of Mines. The chamber is a voice for the mining industry, one that tackles issues with the territorial and federal governments, from economics and mining policy to social issues and the environment. While there will remain issues that are of joint interest with the NWT, and a united front can be presented to Ottawa, there are other areas where the focus should specifically be on Inuit advancement. Who better to speak for Nunavummiut than Nunavummiut themselves - and what better time than now?