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Monday, September 22, 2008 Should Roland be replaced? NWT News/North
The premier's latest lame idea is to unleash a flurry of new taxes and tax increases. He and Finance Minister Michael Miltenberger are eliciting anger and frustration across the territory with talk of an eight per cent goods and services tax. That would drive more people south for major purchases. No solution there.
Roland and Miltenberger are also looking at a five per cent hotel tax. Our burgeoning tourism industry needs a boost, not a penalty. Raising personal income tax is another option. Like a sales tax, this will undoubtedly deter people from moving to or remaining in the NWT. The Alberta economy remains red hot - there's jobs aplenty in oil-rich Alberta, good paying ones too. There's no talk of imposing a burdensome tax regime there. Our territory is struggling to find permanent workers, our population is stagnant if not dropping in numbers. The more people that leave, the less money the NWT receives in federal transfer payments. That's why cutting jobs was also a dead-end attempt at addressing the NWT's funding shortage. "The rich man plans for tomorrow; the poor man for today," Roland said in the legislative assembly in May. Well, the fighting politician - man or woman - goes to Ottawa and gets our territory the resource royalty deal it so deserves. The NWT is one of Canada's most resource-rich areas, holding much promise for our nation's future economy. We've already sent hundreds of millions in resource royalties to the federal government over the years. The $40 million shortfall could easily be covered if we had a deal and there would be cash for investing in people and infrastructure. Roland has publicly put devolution of federal powers on the back burner. He's now made it clear he intends to make his own people suffer. We're in an election period. He should be taking a stand! The Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce has suggested raising the payroll tax with higher residency deductions. That way only the transient workers flying in from the south for their two-week in, two-week out rotations will feel the sting. They have also suggested using federal transfer payments to encourage people to move North and encourage others to remain North, at the same time helping Northerners become home owners. That's the kind of thinking we need. "We have the instrument of taxation. It's a blunt one but if that's all we have and there's not an appetite to tighten our belts then we have to look at other options," Roland said earlier this month. If that becomes reality, the people of the NWT must pressure the MLAs to look at other options too, specifically a new leader. Consensus government is designed to replace ineffective leaders. Without a vision beyond taxation and a will to carry it out, the territory is doomed to a future of hand outs, dwindling population, and domination by book keeping bureaucrats in Ottawa.
Monday, September 22, 2008 Integrity restored Nunavut News/North When MLAs are elected, they are required to put their businesses into a blind trust. That means they are not to have any contact or knowledge of what their businesses are doing so as not to influence their decisions in government. From February 2005 to March 2007, while minister of Economic Development and later Finance, David Simailak received regular e-mail updates on his businesses ranging from the purchase of a lease to a pest infestation to the scheduling of a meeting with the housing minister. Last Wednesday Nunavut's legislative assembly, following the recommendations of interim integrity commissioner Norman Pickell, fined Simailak $5,000 and ordered him to apologize for this breach of proper conduct. Praise is due to Pickell. He pledged to resolve the issue before the legislature disbanded for the election and he made good on his promise. It took him less than eight weeks to review the e-mails and issue a full report declaring Simailak's conduct "totally unacceptable." Hunter Tootoo, MLA for Iqaluit Centre, also deserves praise. As chair of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Accountability, he took his responsibility to defend the integrity of the legislative assembly seriously and made sure Simailak's case was fully investigated. He called Pickell's recommendations "clear, firm and appropriate." MLAs voted 14 to one to support the report and its recommended censures. Rightfully so. While Simailak, who endorsed the integrity commissioner's recommendations himself, professed ignorance in explaining his actions, he had to swear his integrity statement each year. How could he not have understood the rules? He admitted to Pickell that he didn't think anyone would see his e-mails. Why would having his e-mails reviewed be an issue if he had nothing to hide? Northern voters appear to forgive a multitude of sins. If all candidates guilty of "unacceptable" behaviour were excluded from government, some say there would be few candidates left. We beg to differ. Nunavut has a wealth of undeclared candidates in every community - young and old, male and female. The best leaders are optimistic and work hard. Money, smooth talk or fancy clothes are not requirements. All we ask of a leader is to put the needs of the people he or she represents before personal profit. We hope all candidates in the upcoming territorial election take this to heart and run for office for the right reasons.
Thursday, September 18, 2008 Summer of learning Editorial Comment Roxanna Thompson Deh Cho Drum
Ramona Menicoche from Fort Simpson spent two weeks cruising along the eastern coast of Baffin Island as part of the International Polar Year Arctic Youth Expedition. During the trip, Menicoche learned about the global forces that are affecting the Arctic. For four students from Fort Providence the summer brought a whole range of new experiences as they travelled in Vietnam and Cambodia. After spending a year fundraising for the trip Audrey Landry, Lawrence Sabourin, Devin McLeod and Rebecca Landry, along with five adults, were ready to play the part of tourists. Although they saw and experienced a lot of new things the high school students also spent part of their trip volunteering their time to help local children. While it definitely wasn't Southeast Asia, eight teenagers from Fort Providence also tested themselves during the Raven Aboriginal Youth Employment Program. The participants learned about life in the Canadian Forces while training at a base near Victoria, B.C. Two of the participants from the hamlet, Allison Minoza and Murina Sabourin, successfully graduated from the program. Although their experiences were incredibly diverse all of the students commented on how much they learned during their summer trips about themselves and the positive changes they can effect on the world. Programs and organized trips like these are exactly the kinds of things youth from the Deh Cho need to be encouraged to participate in more. By travelling outside the region and trying new experiences the youth are able to build on the foundations their family, teachers and community have already helped them form. When they test themselves in different environments youth are able to learn more about themselves while gaining a new appreciation for the things they have in their communities. After seeing the stark poverty in parts of Cambodia and Vietnam and how people there find happiness in non-material goods the youth from that trip are unlikely to take what they have for granted. While broadening their horizons is beneficial for any young person their communities will also feel the benefits. If teenagers are able to look at their possessions and the possessions of others with new respect they'll be less likely to make bad choices. In the past two weeks, Fort Simpson has had a run of crimes including two break and entries and two acts of vandalism. A number of younger members of the community are suspected to be the culprits behind the incidents. Promoting extracurricular trips may be one proactive way to support the region's youth so they gain pride in their communities and become stronger leaders for tomorrow.
Thursday, September 18, 2008 A solemn reminder Editorial Comment Dez Loreen Inuvik Drum In past years, I missed the opportunity to see the event in person, but heard about the impact it had on those who participated.
It was some time last week when I was given the information about the group and their activities planned for Monday. When I arrived at the rec complex on the morning of the pretend funeral, I wasn't sure how to feel. There were a lot of people there I hadn't seen in a while, so it was only natural to do some socializing. After sharing a few laughs and talking with some old friends, the funeral was about to start so I took a seat near the back where I could move around easily once the show started. I remember looking at one of the organizers and cracking a joke about trying not to enjoy myself and smile during the mock service. Boy, was I in for a seriously eye-opening experience. As soon as the music hit and Sarah McLaclan's voice filled the community hall, I got chills down my spine. I turned around and saw four students carrying the casket, led by two candle-bearers. I snapped a few shots of the boys walking with the box and sat back down as Doug Robertson led the room with his memorable words of belief and sadness. Robertson spoke solemnly, with such class and charisma that it was surreal. This fake funeral was turning into something totally unexpected. It's been a long time since I've been to a funeral and I didn't have any short-term plans of attending another one. Once the lights were dimmed and the candles were shining, it didn't take long for me to start running through forgotten, repressed memories of the funerals I had been to in the past. For better or worse, the organizers played their part and kept in role for the rest of the short funeral. It really hit home for me, seeing those young people gathered in such a depressing environment. Looking back over the years at those we have lost due to reckless behaviour, it's such a shame. Robertson said something that still sticks to my inner being. "This has nothing to do with God's plan for anyone." Like Robertson said, they are well-intentioned people who don't want to cause any harm, they just want you to know that everything happens for a reason. There is no reason why anybody should be risking their lives for excitement or bragging rights. Unfortunately, one of the biggest issues facing our young people today and for a long time has been peer pressure. Do what it takes to get the girl, to become popular and most importantly, don't look like a wimp. I'm not sure if such bravado is still relevant in the halls of our schools, but if my time in this community has taught me anything, it's that things don't change all that much. It seems like every year, we have some horrible incident involving youth and illicit drugs or alcohol. We don't have any room in our community for show-offs or over-board alcoholics. What we need is more people to come together and work for the greater good: our future. Thanks to those who helped organize the PARTY program for this year. Your hard work and dedication will not be lost on this young mind.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 Curtain call for corruption Editorial Comment Karen Mackenzie Kivalliq News They say three times a charm, but maybe this time it'll only take two to make it stick. If Baker Lake MLA David Simailak does make the foolhardy decision to run for re-election on Oct. 27, it'll likely be very difficult to sweep the years of misconduct under the rug. Nunavut's interim integrity commissioner - in a report requested by a regular MLA - aimed to ensure that accountability last week. All that's left now is for the remaining members of the legislative assembly to approve the recommendations and findings. This, with any luck, has already been done by the time you read these words. In his report, Pickell found Simailak for two years regularly received information that he should not have been privy to - information related to businesses which he had been required to place in a blind trust the moment he stepped into office. The report also outlined a number of occasions when the Kivalliq politician used his influence to further businesses in which he has an interest, and even to get jobs for his friends. But none of this should have come as a surprise to anyone, since Pickell was drawing in large part from the same information made public months ago in the legislative assembly. Where was the public outcry then? If the report is now accepted, this will be the second time Simailak will apologize for his wrongdoing. In February, he made a formal apology to his peers, his constituents and family for breaching the territory's Integrity Act when he failed to disclose one of his business interests. His defence at the time, as accepted by then integrity commissioner Robert Stanbury, was that it was an "honest error." There would be no similar excuse this time, however. "I do not believe that Mr. Simailak is as naive about blind trusts as he wants me to believe," Pickell wrote. That old apology rings a little insincere now, huh? Even if he does have the gumption to run in the next election, Pickell's report suggested a solution to make certain that no one can choose to tick his name in good conscience. If the document is accepted by MLAs, Simailak will have to deliver his apology door to door in the form of a letter explaining what he has done. True, everyone deserves a second chance. Technically, he's had his. He could have come clean months ago, when the correspondence was tabled at the legislative assembly in June. He should have seen the writing on the wall and bowed out when he had a chance. Members of the Standing Committee of Government Operations and Accountability, which had the wherewithal to subpoena the material and push forward with the investigation, should be applauded for their work. They stuck with it to the dirty end, and man, some of Simailak's conduct was dirty. - Darrell Greer, the regular editor of Kivalliq News, will return next week |