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Girl wants her scooter back
Jason Emiry Northern News Services Published Wednesday, August 27, 2008
She spent an entire day cleaning dog poop from her uncle's back yard so she would have enough money to buy herself the toy.
"When I finished cleaning, my mom took me straight to the store so I could get the scooter," said Snow. Two weeks ago someone stole the scooter from outside her house at the Birchwood townhouses. "I would really like my scooter back," said Snow. "If you see it or know who took it, please ask them to return it. I don't care who took it. I would just really like it back before the summer is over. It will mean a lot to me." The kindness of strangers tried to alleviate the situation. Artist Francois Thibault - otherwise known as T-BO - and his daughters helped Summer out in her predicament. "She was quite upset about it for some time," said her mother, Charlotte Digness. "He (T-BO) called me on Friday. He and his daughters gave her a scooter that they haven't been using. She is a little happier. She is still a little upset because it is one thing to get given something and another to have to earn something. She still wants her old scooter back." Thibault said his daughters Kassandra and Stephanie deserve all of the credit. "I noticed the (ad) in the paper so I asked my daughters 'what do you think?'" said Thibault. "I asked them if they really wanted their scooter. They agreed to give it to the young girl." The toy was something Thibault's daughters found amazing last summer, but now aren't as interested in. "I picked it up at a garage sale last year," said Thibault. "It was really cool when they first saw it. Now riding a scooter is not cool anymore." Summer's dad tried to give Thibault and his daughters a cheque for the scooter. "Dad tried to pay for the scooter, but they didn't want it," said Summer. Summer and her mother said they really appreciate what the artist and his daughters did. "We never expected it. He really tried to help her out," said Digness. "She's in her glory." |