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Council Briefs Multiplex power outage plan in place Katie May Northern News Services Published Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Multiplex currently has a small back-up generator but it can't sustain electricity for long periods of time. City programs manager Brian Kelln said the arena used to have a more powerful generator but council removed it several years ago to reduce costs. Since the June 28 outage, Kelln said the city has "learned a few lessons" and tweaked its fire evacuation procedure to apply specifically to power outages by designating evacuation areas and establishing a floor warden position to co-ordinate during an outage. "We've sort of fleshed it out to clarify exactly what to do," said Kelln. Previously, the city had no emergency plan specifically for power outages. Most councillors expressed support for the plan during a committee meeting Monday and expect to consider a new Multiplex generator in next year's budget. "It's a no-brainer to have those facilities available," said Coun. Lydia Bardak. Temporary trailer church proposed The pastor of Glad Tidings Fellowship Church wants to hold services out of a temporary trailer while a new church building undergoes construction on a Range Lake Road site. Pastor Richard Birch asked city council for its approval to operate a trailer on the lot between Birchwood Apartments and Coyote's Bar and Grill while his congregation of about 50 people wait for the church to be constructed, which is on hold until the city approves the building permit. City administration recommended that council approve the church as a "conditionally permitted use of a quasi-public use." The trailer would have to undergo a fire safety inspection. Many councillors expressed reservation at the idea of holding church services in a trailer on the lot while it is under construction. Coun. Kevin Kennedy said the city needs to have assurance for legal purposes that the development would occur as planned and that the trailer would indeed be temporary. Coun. David Wind agreed. "I have quite serious concerns about approving this," he said. Approval of the trailer will come to a vote at council's next regular public meeting Monday. Snowmobile fees may rise The public works department recommended council raise prices of the snowmobile safety course, saying it's become more expensive to provide the course through Arctic Response Canada. The proposed new fees are $50 for 12-to-16-year-olds, up from $25, and $75 for those 17 and older, up from $50. Coun. Kevin Kennedy said during the Monday committee meeting the city should also raise snowmobile licence fees to cover costs the city incurs due to snowmobiles. "We expect other citizens to pay their way and we don't expect snowmobile drivers to pay their way even though we incur costs," he said. Kennedy asked city administration how much the licence price would have to increase to cover those costs and said he would bring the matter up again at next week's council meeting.
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