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Injured Fort Smith teen may go home

Paul Bickford
Northern News Services
Published Monday, June 9, 2008

THEBACHA/FORT SMITH - A Fort Smith teenager seriously injured in a snowmobile accident in January may return home later this month from hospital in Edmonton.

Alice Mawdsley, 17, suffered life-threatening head injuries on Jan. 5, but has been making a remarkable recovery.

Alice was hurt on an inner tube being dragged to the top of a sliding hill by a snowmobile. The tube struck a parked vehicle.

According to her sister Betsy, doctors have said Alice may be able to return home possibly on June 26 or 27.

"We won't have the official date until the 19th of this month," Betsy added.

Doctors think being home would be good for Alice, her sister said. "It will just keep her happy and healthy. She's still got some recovery to do.

"She's very excited about it," Betsy added. "She's counting down the days."

Once Alice is back in Fort Smith, the family would also like to express their appreciation to people for their support.

"We want to give a big thank-you back," Betsy said, adding many people have visited Alice and there have been hundreds of messages of support from all over the NWT.

Alice, who was in a month- long coma and underwent a number of surgeries, can talk and walk.

One of the main issues facing Alice now is her memory, Betsy said.

"Her memory is a big one. It's getting better," Betsy said, commenting on the few months' worth of memory her sister lost.

"She's really progressing well," Betsy said, adding her sister also has to regain her muscular strength.

Alice is hoping to be back in Grade 11 at Paul William Kaeser high school in September.

"That's something that is really up to her," Betsy said, adding her sister is also hoping to return to sports, possibly low-impact activities such as biathlon.

Doctors won't know the full extent of Alice's recovery until next January, a year after the accident.

Alice will have very structured days for quite a while after she comes home, Betsy said,

Alice recently went to an older sister's university graduation and attended a soccer game in Edmonton featuring English star David Beckham.

Betsy said her sister's recovery continues to amaze her family.