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Jean Marie fires Chief Sanguez

Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services
Thursday, June 26, 2008

TTHEK'EHDELI/JEAN MARIE RIVER - Stan Sanguez is no longer the chief of the Jean Marie River First Nation.

Sanguez was removed by a vote of non-confidence on June 14 during the band's annual general meeting, said Tammy Neal, the band manager.

Fifteen people, enough for a quorum, participated in the vote, which was held by ballot. Ten people were in favour of ending Sanguez's term, she said.

Six band councillors also ratified the decision during a special council meeting held June 16, Neal said.

Sanguez was present at the annual general meeting on Friday morning but didn't attend any more of the weekend's meetings.

"His non-attendance triggered the vote," she said.

Sanguez was in the third and final year of his term as chief. The election that would have occurred in October will now take place near the beginning of August, said Neal.

According to Sanguez, a long-standing split along family lines in the community is responsible for his removal as chief, pointing fingers at the Norwegian family.

"The Norwegian family has never been supportive of me being chief since I've been there," said Sanguez.

"The community isn't ready for self-government if we keep bickering and fighting amongst ourselves."

While Sanguez is questioning the process that was used to remove him, he said he doesn't want to be reinstated as chief.

Sanguez said he's speaking with a lawyer to ensure he will be properly compensated for his wages by the band until Oct. 26, when his term would have ended.

Fred Norwegian, a former chief and current band councillor, said his family isn't against the ousted chief.

"Along with his walking out of the meeting, there was some dissatisfaction with the way he was performing."

If other community members were interested in what happens at the band office they should have attended the meeting, he said, adding some of the Norwegian family drove all the way from Yellowknife because they were interested.

"I don't think they all drove here to oust him," said Norwegian.

All the policies, including quorum, were met during the vote, he said.

Norwegian said he's also certain that some family members voted against removing Sanguez.