Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Thursday, June 26, 2008
INUVIK - Samuel Hearne will welcome a new crop of students this fall when Grade 6 grads make the transition to high school.
Staff and students at Sir Alexander Mackenzie school are spending this final week of school together. This marks the end of elementary school for 58 Grade 6 students.

Grade 6 teacher Kim Stringer and Grade 6 graduate Anita Shattler prepared for graduation ceremonies earlier this week. A solid 58 students are moving up to Grade 7 at Samuel Hearne this fall. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo |
A ceremony was held for the graduating class on Tuesday evening.
Grade 5/6 teacher Kim Stringer said her class has worked hard all year and deserves of a classy send off.
"The kids have been busy preparing their speeches, gearing up for the event," she said.
"They've gotten excited now and are ready for the caps and gowns."
The young learners weren't the only ones busy preparing for the ceremony.
Stringer said parents had their hands full decorating the gym.
"There was tremendous support from the parents in getting the gym ready," said Stringer.
"The parents have also formed committees, which made it a lot easier on the teachers."
Academically, this was the last year of elementary school for the youth, which meant preparing them for Grade 7 in Samuel Hearne.
Stringer said her students got ready for the bigger high school workload by writing standardized tests.
"We make sure their curriculum is followed and they are ready for those tests," she said.
"It prepares them for high school, where they will write midterms and exams."
She had words of encouragement for the students that are leaving her class for the high school.
"They can do anything if they put their minds to it," she said of the class.
"It's a good group of students and I have high expectations for them."
Anita Shattler, 12, is ready for Grade 7.
She said she had her sights set on her prom, and that she was happy to take part in On the Land studies done in her final years at Sir Alexander Mackenzie School.
"I liked going to the pingos," she said.
"There were a lot of things I liked about this school."
She said she is looking forward to being in the big school, but will miss her time in the elementary classes.
"I'm looking forward to going to high school, but I'm sad to be leaving here," said Shattler.
To celebrate graduation to junior high, Shattler and her family will be taking a trip to Whitehorse over the summer break.
The end of the year is always a busy time, as vice principal Jason Dayman is quite accustomed to.
Dayman said the whole school is busy for the ceremony.
"We had students and teachers in setting up for the grad," he said.
"I noticed a lot of parents, which is good to see."
The excitement can be seen in the eyes of the students, who are ready for the next step in their education.
"It's a big thing for all the students to go through," said Dayman.
Dayman explained that the Grade 6 classes have a day to familiarize themselves with their new surroundings at Samuel Hearne.
"The classes went into the high school last Tuesday," said Dayman.
"They were able to see the classrooms and get a tour of the building."
Dayman said he wishes the best for the departing students and knows they will do well in the upcoming years.