Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services
Thursday, June 26, 2008
ACHO DENE KOE/FORT LIARD - This year's five graduates from Echo Dene school have been encouraged to follow their dreams.
"It's my wish that all the graduates follow their hopes and dreams," said Shawn McLeod, one of two valedictorians for the class.

The graduating class of 2008 at Echo Dene school in Fort Liard includes, front row, from left, Cheryl Bertrand and Shawn McLeod; back, Jeff Bertrand, Kyle Bertrand and Ernie Timbre. - Roxanna Thompson/NNSL photo |
Family and friends gathered to celebrate the students' achievements during a graduation ceremony in Fort Liard on June 18. During his address, McLeod shared some of his memories from his years at the school.
McLeod said he enjoyed going to soccer tournaments and to the Dreamcatchers Conference. Without the trips McLeod said he wouldn't know that he wants to pursue a career in the entertainment and music industry.
He congratulated his fellow graduates for finishing school and reminded them not to stop learning.
"We really need our education to get through life."
The role of valedictorian was also shared by Cheryl Bertrand.
"It seems like yesterday we started kindergarten. Now we're graduating high school," she said.
Bertrand thanked the parents of the grads for inspiring them to stay in school and the teachers for their role in the education process.
"We'd like to thank the teachers for encouraging us to come to school," she said.
Bertrand also encouraged her classmates to remember they have to be willing to engage in further training and continued education.
In addition to classroom learning, in their biographical readings both Jeff Bertrand and Ernie Timbre said they want to learn to speak Slavey.
"It's in my blood," said Jeff.
Jeff said he wants to be able to understand what his elders are saying so they can share their wisdom with him.
Graduating is a great feeling, said Kyle Bertrand.
"It's really good," he said.
In his biography reading, Bertrand said he wants to enter an apprenticeship program at a college. Along with his teachers, Bertrand said he owes his mom Margaret Nelson a lot of thanks for helping him stay in school.
"She was my alarm clock," he said.
During the graduation ceremony the students were also encouraged and congratulated by other community members and officials.
"We don't build on memories, you build on dreams," said Nolan Swartzentruber, the superintendent of the Dehcho Divisional Education Council.
"Continue to dream and continue to build on those dreams and you're going to be a success."