Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Thursday, June 26, 2008
INUVIK - Bring all the non-perishable food you can donate for the food bank to the Canada Day parade.
NorthMart will match any donation made during the Canada Day parade.

NorthMart manager Cliff Stringer invites the community to bring non-perishable food items to the Canada Day parade. A special float will be made to take donations for the food bank that will be matched by NorthMart. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo |
NorthMart manager Cliff Stringer said a special float will be in the parade on behalf of the store.
"The float will be a shopping cart, pulled by a truck or ATV," said Stringer.
The parade starts at 11 a.m. in front of the dental clinic.
Stringer said any non-perishable food that is donated to the cart will be matched by the store that same day and delivered to the food bank.
"We've talked to the food bank and they're going to be open to receive the donation," said Stringer.
Stringer added that the food must be non-perishable.
"We'd also like to put an emphasis about healthy foods," he said.
"We want to promote healthy living as well as this donation."
Stringer is hoping for a good turnout and wants to encourage everyone who plans to watch the parade to bring at least one item with them from home.
"Every little bit helps," he said.
Stringer said this donation is the perfect time for the community to show its support for the food bank.
"It's like donating two items for the price of one," he said.