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Two Hay River motels become one inn

Paul Bickford
Northern News Services
Published Monday, June 16, 2008

HAY RIVER - Two Hay River motels have officially become one inn.

Early this month, the 22-room Migrator Motel and the 27-room Caribou Motor Inn were merged and renamed North Country Inn with under the new slogan 'Your Gateway to the North.'

The change was made by co-owners Kelly and Tara Schofield.

The husband and wife bought the two motels in December, after operating the Migrator under a lease arrangement for two-and-a-half years.

The couple has big plans for the combined motels, which are located close to each other.

The Schofields are planning renovations at the two buildings, which were both built in the early 1970s.

The Schofields plan to create eight to 10 theme rooms featuring the work of NWT artists.

"They can display their art and sell their art," Kelly said.

Other renovations will include changing furniture to create a Northern feel to the guestrooms with rustic wooden furniture.

"The Migrator needs more work than the Caribou," Kelly said, adding that building will get a new boiler system, new carpeting, new doors and windows, and satellite television.

In all, about $150,000 in renovations will be done just this year.

The Schofields have also worked to change the image of the Migrator., both the Migrator and the Caribou Motor Inn have both been alcohol-free since 2006.

The Schofields believe the hotel business in Hay River has a bright future.

"I'd say Hay River is a bustling community which is slowly growing now with fast-paced growth coming," Kelly said, pointing to Tamerlane Ventures mining east of town and the proposed Mackenzie pipeline.