Paul Bickford
Northern News Services
Published Monday, June 16, 2008
HAY RIVER - David Reid, of Diamond Jenness secondary school in Hay River, will be the next president of the NWT Teachers' Association (NWTTA).
The vice-principal will assume the office on July 1 for a two-year term with the option of running for a second two-year-term.

David Reid: has been elected the new president of the NWTTA. - |
Currently vice-president of the association, Reid was acclaimed to the presidency. Nominations for the central executive closed in February.
Reid said one of the main issues he hopes to address as president is the high turnover of teachers in the NWT.
"Part of that stems from housing, the availability of suitable and affordable housing for all members," he said.
Reid said high teacher turnover affects the quality of education.
Reid said he also wants to make sure the GNWT sticks to its policy of supporting education.
Contract negotiations may not be an issue for a while.
Association members are in the process of voting to ratify a tentative collective agreement with the GNWT.
Reid, who chaired the last two negotiation teams for the association, hopes the process will be complete this week.
He declined to give any details about the tentative agreement.
The current agreement between teachers and the territorial government expires on Aug. 31.
The association represents a little more than 800 teachers in the NWT.
Reid, 50, will complete the remainder of the school year at Diamond Jenness secondary school.
The presidency is a full-time position and he will be moving to Yellowknife.
Reid, who is originally from Nova Scotia, has been a teacher in the NWT for 25 years, beginning in Inuvik in 1983. In 2001, he became vice-principal of Samuel Hearne high school and principal in 2004.
In 2006, he accepted the position of vice-principal at Diamond Jenness.
The new central executive will also include Lorraine Kuer of Tulita as vice-president, Fraser Oliver of Yellowknife as secretary-treasurer and Marnie Villeneuve of Fort Smith as the member-at-large.
"This is an experienced and talented executive," said Amanda Mallon, the current president of the NWTTA.
"Together, they bring a wealth of Northern teaching and living experience to the Northwest Territories Teachers' Association. They will serve the membership well."