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Monday, June 16, 2008
A place to start
It may be naïve to believe words and money could ever be enough to wash away the pain inflicted and the sins committed during the horrific peak of the Indian residential school era.
Physical, sexual, emotional and cultural abuse on a genocidal scale has left scars so deep they filter through from one generation to the next.
Nothing can change what happened and the healing can only come with a great deal of time and support, but that should not diminish the importance of a full government apology.
In Stephen Harper's speech, the government took full responsibility not only for the horrors of residential schools, but for the present suffering felt by survivors and their families as a result.
That admission, unfortunately, is too late for former students who have died -- many from afflictions and causes that were born directly from residential school traumas - and is viewed by some survivors as too little, too late.
A 56-year-old woman from the Sahtu who called News/North while the prime minister's speech was playing on a radio in the background is one person who says her life has been destroyed by the effects of her government schooling, and nothing can change that. She spoke of her fear of relationships and an alcohol addiction she believes will likely kill her.
Her feelings are not unique. Although that pain can't simply be erased with an apology, the government's effort to take responsibility for this dark chapter in Canadian history is a vital foundation for future healing.
The most important aspect of the Conservative government's admission is that it can provide aboriginals with a sense of absolution.
The message has a powerful element of vindication, an avenue to allow survivors to begin to rise above their victimization.
It can never justify the pain, suffering and death caused by residential schools. But, the apology can validate to aboriginals and non-aboriginals alike that the government stripped survivors and successive generations of essential tools needed to function in society and deprived them of the support necessary to heal the wounds it inflicted.
The apology also establishes an equality between the aboriginal and non-aboriginal population. For too long non-aboriginals have cast blame on the aboriginal population for the social problems plaguing many of their communities. Harper's apology reveals the truth: that many of those problems were inflicted on them.
For more than a century, beginning in 1840, generation after generation of aboriginals were imprisoned in schools that were in essence concentration and assimilation camps. Since then, they have been suffering collectively from a kind of collective, cultural-post-traumatic stress.
This understanding can foster a healthier relationship between aboriginals and non-aboriginals alike; a relationship that will aid the healing process for the aboriginal population and Canada as a whole.
Questions of integrity and corruption
The more we learn about David Simailak's activities while minister of Finance and of Economic Development, the more despicable things look.
The latest package of Simailak's correspondence tabled before the legislative assembly reveals the minister had contact with his companies and was being told of their day-to-day activities while they were, according to his own public assurances, being held in a blind trust.
A blind trust means MLAs' business interests are overseen by a third party to avoid any conflict of interest. The goal is to prevent territorial politicians from using their elected office for personal profit.
In one of the e-mails made public, Simailak angrily bemoans lost contracts he felt should have been awarded to businesses run by his sons.
In another, Simailak asks his deputy minister to contact his business partner about doing some contract work for the department.
This appears to be a misuse of his elected office, raising serious questions about integrity and corruption.
We applaud the standing committee on accountability and its chairperson Hunter Tootoo for releasing this new batch of e-mails and bringing them to the attention of the integrity commissioner. Without an integrity commissioner or a standing committee on accountability, Nunavummiut would have to blindly trust their government. Given its track record and the many critical reports of auditor general Sheila Fraser, blind trust in this respect is not a good idea.
The fact that Simailak himself was recently appointed to the standing committee on accountability demonstrates the distance the Nunavut government still has to travel to achieve credibility.
The integrity commissioner already found Simailak to be in conflict of interest in January for failing to disclose his interest in Kangiqliniq Developments, which received a $1 million loan from the Nunavut Business Credit Corporation.
At that time, the only punishment the commissioner doled out was for Simailak to make a public apology, which he did three months later.
If he is again found to be in a conflict of interest, we hope the commissioner comes up with something harsher than saying sorry. Simailak has had every opportunity to come clean and move on but has instead chosen to say nothing.
A complete and emphatic condemnation of corruption is needed if Nunavut's legislative assembly hopes to be seen as a credible government.
Respecting highways Editorial Comment Roxanna Thompson Deh Cho Drum Thursday, June 12, 2008
There's something horribly wrong with Highway 7. The purpose of highways is to allow for the easy movement of vehicles, people and goods between different points. Very little has been happening on the Liard Trail for almost three weeks.
The highway was originally closed between May 22 to 26 when heavy rains made two sections impassable. Since that initial closure the highway has been opened and closed another two times almost like a jack-in-the-box.
A four-day closure lasted from May 21 to June 4 and the latest closure that started on June 7 originally had an estimate for lasting up to a week. It's reached a point where all you have to do to estimate when the road will be closed next is watch the weather forecast for the next anticipated period of rainfall.
People in Fort Liard and those who travel the road frequently can tell you, however, that the trouble started even before the first closure.
Wayne Newbury, the mayor of the hamlet of Fort Liard, pointed out that even when it was opened the road was in pretty dismal shape. In a telling statement, Newbury said that many people feel the road is at its best in the winter. The surface might be slippery but at least it's a smooth ride, he said.
Problems with the Liard Trail are nothing new.
No one is enjoying the ongoing road closures. Residents and businesses in communities around the region have experienced disruptions in their mail and access to services.
Hardest hit are employees of the Department of Transportation.
Under its mandate to provide safe and reliable infrastructure for transportation the department certainly didn't want a situation like this to arise.
Being responsible for a road they continually have to close only puts mud on their reputation.
Highway 7 has proven more capital funding needs to be put into the Dehcho road system. Making do with just a maintenance budget and minor repairs isn't enough.
Everyone who's used Highway 7 knew it needed some work even before the most recent problems.
The territorial government should have invested more money into the road before things got so bad.
Highways are a crucial part of life in the Northwest Territories and the Liard Trail is providing a graphic demonstration of what can happen when their importance isn't matched by the size of the budget to maintain them.
Hopefully another demonstration won't be needed for the lesson to be learned and acted upon.
Remember to 'be good' Editorial Comment Dez Loreen Inuvik News Thursday, June 12, 2008
"Be good." The strong words echoed through the loudspeakers at the grad ceremony on Saturday afternoon.
Const. Tim Fifield was dressed in red serge and addressed the large group of graduands on stage.
Those two words meant a lot more than being polite. It seemed as if the RCMP officer was asking the youth not to overdo their annual shenanigans and destroy any property during their party.
The words also served as a lesson for life, something to bring with them on their journey into the world of responsibilities.
That nice policeman wasn't at the ceremony to destroy anyone's fun. He wasn't there to come down on the newly-anointed graduates either.
This was his time to say something memorable and it made it through the ears of those students and into the newspaper.
I think his message got across.
It's no secret that graduation is a reason to get drunk in this town. I shudder at the amount of money that was spent at the liquor store this past weekend.
At least there are groups in town that aren't in denial of the issues.
The Gwich'in Tribal Council seemed to know the score. They gave out bursaries of $100 to each grad, but only upon receipt of their certificate after the weekend.
It meant that nobody could foolishly blow their earned monies on bottles of party-juice.
The responsible adults in town know what goes on, despite the best plans and secrets held by the youth in town.
Your parents were smoking behind Northmart when it was still The Bay. They knew about the Boot Lake trails before they were boardwalked and dollars to doughnuts says they know all about what you do on the weekend.
That is why they worked so hard to keep everyone safe this past weekend.
One pair of parents even went as far as to give out coupons for a free cab ride to every grad that day.
I have nothing but respect for anyone who puts up with enough school to graduate, but getting blacked out and having a headache the next day is hardly the way to commemorate that life achievement.
The main venue for partying on Saturday night and Sunday morning seemed to be Boot Lake.
Driving past a few times, it was easy to spot the slouching people gathered around a bottle.
After taking part in so many ritualistic parties at Boot Lake and seeing it first hand, I didn't think I was missing out on anything too groundbreaking.
The grad committee made a plea for help the next day, to clean the mess left by the partying masses.
In the end, it looked like the adults cleaned up after their kids once again.
The grads will have to pick up after themselves soon.
The real world will not be so forgiving.
Polishing the image
Editorial Comment Darrell Greer Kivalliq News Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Premier Paul Okalik took it upon himself this past week to try and brighten up the Government of Nunavut's (GN) fading image among the territory's female population.
Okalik moved Aluki Rojas over to become the deputy minister of Environment, while Koovian Flanagan was promoted to deputy minister of Human Resources.
Simon Awa also become deputy minister of Intergovernmental Affairs.
Flanagan and Rojas's new departments were definitely in need of a strong female presence and the two new deputy ministers more than fit the bill.
If the premier's moves were designed to address weaknesses in the involved departments while, at the same time, increasing the number of women holding top positions within the GN's food chain, he is to be commended.
It should be noted, however, Rojas was a deputy minister in her previous department before the shuffle, so the increase in women at the deputy-minister level only increased by one.
Knowing the backgrounds of the two women involved, any insinuation the moves were window dressing to appease the territory's political watchdogs and women's rights groups would be easily dismissed.
In fact, had the premier possessed the power to do so, it would have been even more impressive -- and beneficial -- to have seen Rojas given the top position in Human Resources.
The move would have, at least, curtailed some of the misleading statements and resulting apologies in the legislative assembly for awhile.
Okalik had another move in store for the territory this past week, when he asked deputy premier Levinia Brown to accept the position of Minister Responsible for the Status of Women.
That move can definitely be filed in the column of high risk, high reward.
There are few women more respected among Nunavut's female population than Brown.
And, many Nunavummiut were less than impressed with Leona Aglukkaq's responses (or lack thereof) to a number of issues being raised by the Qulliit Status of Women Council.
However, for all her class, talent and respect, it remains to be seen if Brown would be willing to roll up her sleeves and get dirty if the need arose to confront a male-dominant caucus over a predominately female issue. Combative is not a word that quickly comes to mind when Brown's name is brought up.
The only negative to Okalik's announcement this past week was his need to, once again, feel it necessary to point out the majority of his deputy ministers are Land Claim Agreement beneficiaries.
It's time for this government to give Nunavummiut credit for realizing they need the best people available for the top jobs in government, regardless of their race, creed or colour.
When the day comes, and it will, when the GN's hierarchy comprises almost 100 per cent talented, deserving and capable Inuit -- fantastic.
Until then, it would be nice to see the GN more focused on the job being done and not so preoccupied with the colour of the face getting it done.
Errors appeared in Wednesday's Yellowknifer. The labour column ("Consensus or confrontation," June 11) should have been attributed to Todd Parsons, president of the Union of Northern Workers. Also, Yk Motors owner Tony Vane's name was misspelled in the business brief "Truck sales steady." Additionally, the wrong age was given for Madison Hurst, "A raven rescue." He is 15. Yellowknifer apologizes for any embarrassment or confusion caused by these errors.