Jess McDiarmid
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, January 23, 2008
YELLOWKNIFE - Six weeks before the kickoff of the Arctic Winter Games, the host society is still short 800 volunteers needed for the week-long sporting event.
General manager Dave Hurley said he's hoping to have the requisite number of volunteers by Feb. 1, giving the host society time to process registrations, appoint people to appropriate tasks and check criminal records of volunteers.

Dave Hurley, Arctic Winter Games general manager, said between 300 and 400 people have signed up as volunteers in the past couple weeks. But 800 more are needed to reach the goal of 2,500 volunteers. - Jess McDiarmid/NNSL photo |
Around 1,700 volunteers have signed up to help so far.
"Sooner is better," said Hurley.
He said numbers have risen "quite dramatically" in the last couple weeks, with between 300 and 400 more people signing up.
The host society is also going to be giving presentations to business and government encouraging organizations to support employees who wish to volunteer for the Games.
"The government has been very supportive of the Games," said Hurley. "But we also have to respect that the government is the government and it can't just close down."
The federal government was slated to contribute $500,000 to the Games, the territorial government, $700,000.
The City of Yellowknife added $300,000 to the pot and has also provided support from the beginning, including staff, technology, logistical help, facilities and resources.
Mayor Gord Van Tighem said every city department "across the board" is involved in the Games.
"Everybody's got their finger in it," said Van Tighem.
From unloading beds, to using contacts with other levels of government to make sure enough money is wrung out, to scheduling holidays to be on-scene for the Games, the city is putting in a major effort, said the mayor.
City departments are also freeing up staff who wish to volunteer whenever possible, he said.
The mayor is hosting a night at the movies tonight to raise money for the Games, with a $25 ticket getting movie-goers one of three films, unlimited popcorn and pop, hors d'oeuvres and chances to win door prizes.
Fundraising is almost complete, said Hurley, with less than $70,000 needed to reach the $3.6-million goal.
The overall cost of the Games was expected to be $5.6 million.
Representatives from the territorial and federal governments didn't return phone calls by press time.
People who want to volunteer for the Games can register online at