Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Liidlii Kue/Fort Simpson - The number of women's hockey teams in Fort Simpson has doubled.
Joining the Moosehide Mamas on the ice are the Deh Cho Dodos, a rec team being organized by Jennifer Simons.

The Deh Cho Dodos team will focus on building up players' hockey skills. - photo courtesy of Jennifer Simons |
The Deh Cho Dodos team is geared to women with entry-level hockey skills, said Simons. The Moosehide Mamas players already have an established skill level so some women in the community suggested that another team should be created, Simons said.
In founding the team, Simons said that the only thing interested team members need are the three W's. They have to want to learn the game, have a winning attitude and be willing to try, said Simons.
As the Deh Cho Dodos name suggests, the team isn't deadly serious.
"Everything's all for fun," she said.
"Being part of the Deh Cho Dodos is all a laugh."
Simons blurted out the team's name as an idea during a brainstorming session and it stuck. It was in reference to what we'll look like on the ice, she said.
"We're going to look hilarious," she said.
Simons hopes the team will bring more women into the sport and get them to have fun in the process.
"If we can make some people laugh while watching it and have some players laugh while playing it we've made our goal," she said.
So far 16 people have inquired about the team and 10 have registered. Players are encouraged to join no matter what their skill level and even if they can't skate, said Simons. For people who don't have skates the recreation centre has some to loan.
"We're trying to get as many women out as possible," she said.
Team members have been preparing for the season at the Wednesday ball hockey games where they practise stick handling and positioning. On-ice practices will be held Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
On the ice, the team will concentrate on drills, skill building exercises and learning the game, said Simons, who admits she hasn't played hockey in a while.
"I'd like to say I'm Wayne Gretzky but I'm not," she said.
All the players will be starting off on the same level, she said.
"I think we're all going to need pillows taped to our butts when we first go out," said Simons.
The Moosehide Mamas, Fort Simpson's first female hockey team, are excited by the creation of the Deh Cho Dodos, said Susie Hanna, the team's president.
"It's going to be exciting to see their team grow and develop," she said.
There's lots of room in the village for two teams, said Hanna and local businesses are very good about supporting recreational hockey.
This will be the Moosehide Mamas' fourth year as a team. Last year they had approximately 30 registered members.
"Every year we get a really good group of people out," said Hanna.
This year the team will be hosting the second annual Chicks with Sticks tournament from Jan. 18 to 20.
"Hopefully we'll get a good turnout for that," Hanna said.
The team also expects to compete in a tournament in Hay River in February and in the First Air Tournament in Yellowknife in March.
While waiting for the ice to be finished, team members are participating in the dryland training being held at the recreation centre on Sundays at 1 p.m. When the ice is completed, practices will be held three times a week on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays.
"I'm really excited," Hanna said about the start of the season.