Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Thursday, December 20, 2007
INUVIK - A calendar featuring elders and safety tips for the elderly has expanded in its second year.
Regional health promotion officer Lorraine Walton said the 2008 senior safety and injury prevention calendar includes photos of Aklavik's elders as well as Inuvik's.
Catherine Mitchell, health promotion officer Lorraine Walton, Lily Amos, Elsie Nilgak and Bachan Jagpal enjoy a cup of tea while looking over the 2008 elders' calendar, which has been distributed in the community and in Aklavik. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo |
"This year is an improvement on last year's pilot project," she said.
"They were all delighted to have their picture taken."
In the 2007 model, only elders who were in the long-term care wing of the Inuvik hospital were included.
To mark an elder's birthday in the calendar, a picture is shown of the person, with a one-line quote reflecting the message of safety.
"The idea is to minimize the number of falls that are suffered by the elderly," Walton said.
In the NWT, falls account for 68 per cent of elder injuries requiring hospitalization.
"That means that out of all the injuries to elders, falls account for more than half," she said.
"That is huge among the elders population."
Every calendar month also features a different safety message.
January's tip is to wear non-slip footwear and to always have grippy soles on your shoes.
"Using ice-grippers is a good idea," said Walton.
"It's always a good idea to clean up any spills that might happen."
Walton debuted the calendar to the patients of long-term care during the annual Christmas party at the hospital.
"They got a kick out of seeing their pictures so big," she said.
A larger version of the calendar is on display in the eating area of the ward.
The Department of Health and Social Services and Health Canada provided funding for the project.
"I gave two copies to each participant," she said.
"One for them and one for their family members."
While no plans have been made yet to distribute the calendar, Walton said that with enough demand, it could be looked at for future releases.