Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Deh Gah Got'ie Koe/Fort Simpson - The Fort Providence RCMP is investigating an accident that resulted in a car crashing through a fence enclosing the yard of a house.
Chief Berna Landry was sleeping on Sept. 15 when she heard a loud sound outside of her house at approximately 8 a.m.

RCMP in Fort Providence said this car rolled at least once before coming to rest in Chief Berna Landry's yard. - photo courtesy of Christopher Carson |
"It was so loud it woke me up," said Landry.
At first she thought that someone was on her deck and had knocked over one of her flowerpots. She ran downstairs to investigate but didn't see anything wrong on the deck.
She was moving to the other side of the house when she glanced out her kitchen window and saw four people running down the street. At a window with a different vantage point Landry saw the car.
A red Pontiac Grand Am GT had broken through the log fence that surrounds her house.
"It really smashed into my fence and that's what woke me up," said Landry.
She immediately phoned the RCMP to report the accident and then went outside to see if anyone was left in the vehicle. Several neighbors also came over to investigate.
"My first reaction was, 'Oh no, I hope nobody got killed in there,'" said Landry.
The car turned out to be empty.
"It was a relief to see no one was in there," she said.
The RCMP investigation into the accident is ongoing.
Three youth and one adult from the community - two male and two female - were in the car at the time of the crash, said RCMP Cpl. Gillian Poole.
The passengers were taken to the health clinic and all released. The names of the passengers are not being disclosed because the investigation is in progress, said Poole.
The Pontiac rolled at least once before coming to rest on the fence. Alcohol was involved in the crash, she said.
Following the accident, the car involved was reported stolen by a person staying in the community. The RCMP plans to investigate the incident as a theft until the exact nature of the situation is determined. Any charges pertaining to the accident are also being investigated, said Poole
Although a part of her fence is broken, Landry said she's thankful that the crash wasn't any worse. If the fence hadn't been there to stop the car it might of hit the nearby utility pole, she said.
Landry hopes the incident will be a lesson for those involved.
"I really hope it's an eye opener for them," she said. "They could have been seriously injured, or died."