Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, September 12, 2007
RANKIN INLET - More than 30 people came out for a free car wash and to show support for the RCMP's attempts to curb drinking and driving in Rankin Inlet earlier this month.
Each person who brought a vehicle to the car wash was also provided with the opportunity to review an information package about the dangers of impaired driving while enjoying a cup of coffee.
Const. Joseph Benedet said the idea for the car wash grew from the local detachment's concern over the increase in impaired-driving offenses during the past year.
He said he thought of the car-wash idea to fulfil his responsibility for coming up with a community-orientated project as a new member.
"The community-orientated projects are part of our RCMP field-training program," said Benedet.
"We received a lot of positive feedback on the car wash.
"The participants were very enthusiastic and grateful to the RCMP for spearheading the event, and for taking such a proactive approach in trying to deal with the problem of drinking and driving in our community."
The event was supported by probation services, which referred clients with recent impaired-driving convictions to take part in the car wash and assist with speaking to the public on the dangers of impaired driving.
Benedet said those referred seemed pleased to be given an opportunity to take part in the event.
"They did whatever was asked of them and I didn't get any sense of embarrassment from any of them.
"They simply took part in the event like everyone else who gave of their time to help out."
Benedet said Const. Jason Parker, Cpl. Gerald Ouellet and Rankin's two community constables all helped with the event.
He said the Hamlet of Rankin Inlet and the Sugar Rush Cafe also helped make the car wash a success with their support.
"We owe a big thanks to the members of our community fire department for their assistance in making the car wash a success.
"They were a great partner for us throughout the entire project.
"These types of events help foster good relationships between the RCMP and the community, and they go a long way towards promoting a safe community."