Paul Bickford
Northern News Services
Published Monday, August 27, 2007
YELLOWKNIFE - Justin Trudeau, a Liberal candidate in a Montreal area federal riding, addressed the Tu Beta Ts'ena (Water is Life) Conference in Fort Smith on Aug. 21, and a large crowd gathered to listen.

Justin Trudeau Speaking at water conference
Aug. 21, 2007 - Photo by Paul Bickford |
Trudeau said he was excited about the conference and seeing so many different people come together to discuss water issues.
In particular, he believes elders understand the seriousness of preserving water for future generations. "They're thinking about legacy," he said.
Trudeau said industry too often simply looks at the short term and what they can make from resources.
"That kind of thinking is no good for us anymore," he said. "We need to change."
Trudeau does see hope, mentioning a breakfast he had with young people from Fort Smith earlier in the day, adding that money is not as important to youth as a healthy environment.
The importance of caring for the environment is better understood by aboriginal people in the North, he added. "Here, you've lived so many generations in harmony with the land."
Trudeau, is an environmental activist and son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.
In his view, the world is at a crossroads, more than at any time in the history of humans on the planet.
According the Trudeau, "The future of the world is in the balance."