George Horassi of Tulita was at the Open Sky Festival selling his handmade mini snowshoes. - George Lessard/NNSL photo |
Northern News Services
Monday, July 9, 2007
FORT SIMPSON - The Open Sky Festival in Fort Simpson wrapped up July 1 after a weekend filled with arts of all kinds, particularly storytelling, which was the theme of this year's festival.
However, not everything went as planned, as the sky actually did open up with rain, forcing the crowds to move inside.
The remainder of the festival took place at the recreation centre.
At the opening on Friday night, storytellers Sharon Shorty and Simon Moccasin took the stage.
Other storytellers including Richard Van Camp and Roberta Kennedy took their turns throughout the festival, and held workshops, which included a mentorship program, a youth elder workshop and a workshop that also dealt with creative writing.
There were also programs offered in traditional Dehcho craft work, mural painting, and carving.