Laura Power
Northern News Services
Friday, July 13, 2007
YELLOWKNIFE - Patrick Roach, more commonly known as Randy from the Trailer Park Boys, said emceeing is not what people usually ask him and John Dunsworth (Mr. Lahey) to do at events.

Mr. Lahey (John Dunsworth) and Randy (Patrick Roach) of The Trailer Park Boys will be in town this weekend to emcee Folk on the Rocks on Saturday. - photo courtesy of The Trailer Park Boys
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"A lot of times people want us to do security because they've seen the show and they know we're really good at security," said the actor, whose character on the television show tries to keep control of Sunnyvale Trailer Park.
"We like being in charge," he said. "And if I have to take my pants off... to throw somebody out for being a little too intoxicated then that's going to have to happen."
But the Folk on the Rocks organizers aren't calling on Roach and Dunsworth to toss people out of the park but bring them in.
Randy and Mr. Lahey are only a couple of the performers set to take the stage this weekend.
Other popular acts from the South making their way to town include Sarah Harmer, who will play on Saturday afternoon and Sunday night, and The Sadies, who will play in the beer garden Saturday afternoon and close the show on the main stage Saturday night.
"We had a very Canadian theme this year so we wanted to (support) Canadian music and Canadian performers from across Canada," said Tracy Breitbach, director of Folk on the Rocks.
Fiddlers from Cape Breton - including Rosie Mackenzie, Howie MacDonald and Dave MacIsaac - will play on the right stage Sunday afternoon along with Silk Road Music (of China) and Zephyr Artillerie, a traditional Quebec musical group.
"What FOTR does is we bring in traditional artists, as well as new emerging artists which are, you know, on the edge," said Breitbach.
A few NWT artists, including Diga, the Big River Ramblers and The Greasy Twigs will also have their moments onstage.
Something unique this year will be a Randy and Mr. Lahey look-alike contest, which will take place on Sunday.
Roach and Dunsworth will judge the competition.
The trailer park duo, are looking forward to a great weekend in Yellowknife.
"I expect people to come, have a good time and I just want to see some good music, good talent, eat some cheeseburgers, maybe have a drink or two here and there and enjoy the great Canadian North," said Roach.
Neither has been to Yellowknife, but they have travelled a great deal around the country and say they have always had warm receptions.
"We get to travel all over Canada, and people are great all over, but it's really nice to see the different topography," said Dunsworth.
From Roach's point of view, "even though we have to chase around Ricky, Julian and Bubbles... Canada seems to like us guys for some reason, and we get treated like kings wherever we go. I even get free cheeseburgers."
Warm the Rocks kicks off tonight, when bands will be playing at the Top Knight, the Black Knight Pub and the Mackenzie Lounge.
Breitbach said some of the big acts such as Sarah Harmer and the Sadies are arriving in town today and may be out to enjoy the festivities.