Amanda Vaughan
Northern News Services
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
YELLOWKNIFE - Blue sky, green grass and bird songs move over, there's another telltale sign of summer that's a better bet than the almanac: A fundraising carwash.

Zander Affleck and Mischa Malakoe spent last Sunday soaping and scrubbing cars in the Co-op parking lot to raise money for their soccer team.
- Amanda Vaughan/NNSL photo |
What else speaks of the season like a crowd of sudsy folks - usually teens - in shorts and tank tops waving enthusiastically at passing traffic while brandishing hand-crafted signage for all to see?
The Yellowknife United Soccer Club were down in front of the Co-op gas bar last Sunday afternoon under the direction of organizer Jack Simpson.
The boys under 16 team was scrubbing its way towards the St. Albert invitational tournament in Alberta and Simpson is clearly stoked about the opportunity.
The trip includes two weeks of training camp and a chance to see several games of the U-20 World Cup happening in the area at the same time.
This, of course, requires a bit of fundraising which is why the squad has spent two Sundays at the Co-op slinging squeegees.
It's working out pretty well Simpson said, adding they were getting around $15 per car and $20 per truck.
Simpson said one very kind soul gave $50 to wash a truck. Simpson also said business has been brisk so far. Even the previous Sunday when the weather was less than perfect it was "non-stop from 10 a.m. on."
The Co-op was also very kind to the group according to Simpson, not charging for the space or use of water.
Co-op member services manager Margaret Woodley said booking the Co-op for a carwash is as easy as filling out a form. Well, that and getting in early, she said.
June and most of July are already booked, and there were already weekends in August being reserved at the Co-op.
Teacher Erica McDonald of Mildred Hall School had her school's track and field athletes do a carwash two weekends ago in the Yk 1 school district parking lot.
"The time passes really quickly," she said, adding that in addition to washers, she also had students with signs in strategic places around the area advertising.
Once you have the preparation taken care of, it's all about how you hold the sponge.
Simpson said they tried to keep their operation efficient. "We have spongers, pressure washers, hose people and squeegee people," he said.
"We try to run it like an assembly line. It prevents repetition."