Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Friday, June 1, 2007
INUVIK - The Inuvik Golf Association is looking for community input on what to do with the land around Old Baldie hill.

Al German shows his daughter Dawson some technique on the driving range. The Inuvik Golf Association is hosting a community meeting at their pro shop at the golf course this Sunday June 3, to display some designs for the Golden Anniversary Recreation Park. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo |
The golf club has plans to expand beyond just a golf course and has been working to plan a full recreation park in their area.
Club president Al German said the plans include connecting the ski trails to the site as well as making a sliding hill on the side of Baldie.
An open house is planned for Sunday June 3 at the course, where designs for the park will be on display.
Don Murray of Ecosign resort planners has been hired to draft plans for the site and three of his designs will be ready for discussion on Sunday afternoon.
"He will have designs for the walking trails, sliding hills, ski trails and the golf course, which is the most important for me," said German.
German has been leading the club since they started their campaign for a golf course four years ago.
"We have a new executive board and we're all enthusiastic about this year," said German.
In the last four years, German said the group has done much work to the grounds of the future golf course.
"The first year we cleaned the whole area of willows," said German.
German added that the site used to be used for the annual demolition derby.
"We cleared all that out and prepared for the future years," he said.
After the site was cleared, German said the group focused on how to dig trenches and ditches on the site.
"We watched how the water gathered one year and dug for the next," he said.
In the third year of the work, the club finished their driving range and pro shop.
"We're waiting on the top net for the range, it's waiting on the other side of the ferry," said German.
German said the crew was busy washing the driving range rocks and driving greens earlier this month.
German said the need for the golf association was apparent because Inuvik is the only tax-based community in the Territories without a golf course.
"I saw a need, I'm an avid golfer, but I'm no good at it," said German with a laugh.
"But then again, nobody here is good, not until we get the course done."
German said that a full recreation park would help the town's image when people come into town.
Once plans for the golf course started taking shape, German said it was Peter Clarkson that helped get the ball rolling for the Golden Anniversary Recreation Park.
"It was the ex-mayor Peter who helped us with the plans," said German.
"He approached us and asked us to join with the park."
German said the park would be a good place to spend time with the family in any season.
Clarkson said he got involved to help with the park because of his experience working with planning groups.
"I've helped the golf association get proposals together," said Clarkson.
Before the end of the year, Clarkson wants to see more development in the site.
"We're working on a few greens, finishing the driving range and doing some initial work on the snow hill," said Clarkson.
"With work, eventually we will have an outdoor recreation park."
The open house starts at 2 p.m. on June 3 at the pro shop at the course site.