Terry Kruger
Northern News Services
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
YELLOWKNIFE - Top students were honoured recently during Sir John Franklin high school's annual awards night.
Among the trophies, certificates and scholarships were the first-ever Enough Talk, Hurry Up and Do it Already performing arts scholarship from actor Dustin Milligan, and a new education scholarship sponsored by Yk Education District No. 1.

Kira Hall, right, receives a $1,000 scholarship from Dustin Milligan. Milligan donated money to the Yellowknife Community Foundation to establish the Enough Talk, Hurry Up and Do It Already performing arts scholarship. - Terry Kruger/NNSL photo |
Kira Hall was one of the big winners on the night, earning two scholarships and other awards for her efforts in music and drama.
Hall received the Enough Talk award, worth $1,000, which is sponsored by Milligan and awarded through the Yellowknife Community Foundation.
"This is the first time it's been awarded and I'm so excited and proud," said Milligan during the June 4 ceremony. He described Hall as a "quadruple threat," able to sing, act, play the trumpet and compose music.
Besides Milligan's scholarship, Hall shared the Bill Gilday Music Award with Melissa Weaver. Weaver was one of five students to share an award for outstanding contribution to the music program at Sir John, and earned an award for outstanding contribution to the drama program. Hall will attend the University of Victoria in the fall to study music composition.
Yearbook editor Katie Heine earned the City Cabs Engineering scholarship, adding to the $30,000 in scholarships she has already earned. Heine earned a 96 per cent average in Grades 9-12 and according to the school intends to enter the neuroscience program at the University of Alberta in the fall and plans to study medicine. She also earned Sir John's humanities award.
In addition to receiving a four-year, $16,000 Millennium Scholarship, she has won: U of A scholastic distinction Dean's Citation in Science, $10,000; U of A academic excellence scholarship, $3,000; and U of A faculty of science academic excellence scholarship, $1,000.
Michael Craig, who is ranked as the top wrestler in Alberta and number 15 in Canada, won the new $1,000 scholarship from the school district directed to a graduating student who intends to become a teacher.
Scholarships and Grad Awards
Lions Club Service Award, Laura McLeod; Citizenship, Alison Devitt; Jenny Gamble-Fournier Memorial Award, Madison Kaylo; RCMP scholarship, Kristin Vician; Nadi Architects/Academy of Arts Ltd. Art scholarship, Kim Legler, Joanna LePrieur, Cara Van Tighem; Nadi Architects Architecture scholarship, Saska Taskov; Diavik Diamond Mines, Muna Shoblak, Nicholas Merritt; Lilly Borges Oldham Award, Jennifer Waugh.
In subject awardsSocial studies: Megan McCormick, Grade 9; Micah Stang, Grade 10; Hulija Gelale, Social Studies 13; Katrina Heimbach, Northern Studies; Jessica Hopkins, Social Studies 20; Amel Vendiola, Social Studies 23; Social Studies 30, Nicholas Merritt; and Mark Allan, Social Studies 33.
English (ELA): Andrea Nilson, Grade 9 language arts; Tyler Heal, Ziad Sadki, Grade 10; Philip Oel, Kyle Thomas, ELA 20; Hall, ELA 30.
Core French: Phoenix Huynh, Katie Glowach, Grade 9; Tyler Heal, Grade 10; Jessica Hopkins, Core French 20; Michael McCormick, Core French 30.
French Language Arts (FLA): Angus Wilson, Andrea Nilson, Hailey McLeod, Tamika Mulders, Grade 9; Jill Allain, Angus Smith, Grade 10; Nicole Bonnell, Rob Heimbach, FLA 20; Muna Schoblak, FLA 30.
French Social Studies (ES): Hailey McLeod, Grade 9; Jill Allain, Grade 10; Rob Heimbach, Kathleen Smith, ES 20; Stephane Pontus, Jessi Casebeer, ES 30.
French Science: Andrea Nilson, Grade 9; Rebecca Canam, Grade 10; Kim Gibson, Physique 20; Michaelis Hurst, Chimie 20; Jill Allain, Biologie 20; Michaelis Hurst, Biologie 30.
Mathematiques: Ryan Wallace, Tamika Mulders, Grade 9; Katherine Robinson, Grade 10; Nimisha Bastedo, M20; Tania Larson, M30.
Special mention in French: Jessica Monnaie, Letizia Foracchia.
Science: Jamie Nielsen, Katie Glowach, Math/Science 9; Richard Qaqqasiq-Wells, Science 25; Philip Oel, Biology 30; Hazem Schoblak, Nicholas Merritt, Physics 20/30; Hazem Schoblak, Jessica Hopkins, and, Stephane Pontus, Chemistry 30.
Math: Jamie Nielsen, Grade 9; Samantha Merriott, Applied Math 10; Micah Stang, Pure Math 10; Rebecca Dupuis, Applied Math 20; Hilary Sigurdson, Pure Math 20; Rebecca Dupuis, Applied Math 30; and, Nicholas Merritt, Math 30 scholarship.
Athletes of the year: Chad Hinchey, Aimee Guile, Grade 9; Matthew Whiteford, Chelsea Comeau, Grade 10; Skylar Cumming, Hailey Grayston, Grade 11; Eric Aitken, Alison Devitt, Grade 12.
Tom Hunt Memorial Award for volleyball went to Doug Keating and Meika Stewart while Shea Allain and Laura McLeod won the Athletic Spirit award.
Eric Aitken earned the Lanky Muyres Award for his athletic and academic efforts this year.
Fine arts: Angus Wilson, Kieran Daly, Art 9; Diana Pelova, Art 10; Christina Gottschall, Art 11; Arnel Vendiola, Kelsey Miller, Art 20; and, Joanna LePrieur, Art 30.
Awards for outstanding contribution to the art program went to: Nicole Garbutt, Sean Robson, Junn Gesmundo, Lisa Brenton, Kim Legler, Sienna hart, Linna O'Hara, Joanna LePrieur and Cara Van Tighem.
Music: Kira Hall, Melissa Weaver, Nicholas Merritt, Stephane Pontus and Katie Heine, outstanding contribution; Shawn Greig, achievement in guitar; and Stephen Hussey, most improved student.
Drama: Nick Geggie-Hurst, Bryce Walker, Hailey McLeod and Andrea Nilson, junior drama; Caleb Harrison, Tim Edwards, Anika Sparling and Elora Braden, senior drama; Diana Pelova, drama technologies; Kelsey Miller, costume and fine arts award.
Technical arts: Nicholas Merritt, computer science; Sadetlo Scott, Davis Heslep, film studies scholarship.
Practical arts: Michaelis Hurst, Foods 11; Rebecca Kornichuck, Foods 12; Tim Zoe-Martin, Walter Wright Memorial; Hazem Schoblak, Bumper to Bumper; Keenan Miller, Kingland Ford; Mark Allan, Woodworking; Cole Cameron, Small Engines; Luka Madsen, Welding; and, Shawn Greig, Electronics.