Terry Kruger
Northern News Services
Monday, June 11, 2007
SPENCE BAY - Ask Lenny Panigayak what's new and his eyes light up.
"I just got married last weekend," he told Nunavut News/North recently.
His bride is Eunice Laura, who shares first names with Lenny's mother.
At 24, Panigayak has lived in Taloyoak for 13 years. He works as an assistant operator for Nunavut Power's Qulliq Energy.
The wedding was wonderful, he said, describing a feast shared by family and friends.
"We had some macaroni salad, country meat and cakes," he said.
His wife is in school, meaning a honeymoon will have to wait for a while. His parents, "my whole family" lives in Taloyoak as well.
In his spare time, Panigayak likes to work on machines and hunt.
"I enjoy seal hunting and caribou hunting," he said.
Like many Inuit, he can remember the time, the place and how it felt to catch his first polar bear.
"December 22, 2001," said Panigayak. "It was around nine in the morning."
He bagged the eight-foot bear about a three-hour drive from Taloyoak.
The meat was distributed to elders.
"It was a pretty exciting day," he said.