Philippe Morin
Northern News Services
Monday, May 07, 2007
FORT MCPHERSON - Like many Canadians of all ages, Fort McPherson's Chelsea Nerysoo said she'd never heard of Vimy Ridge before this year.

Some of the students even got to meet Canada's Governor General, Michaelle Jean, on the steps of the Parliament building. - photo courtesy of Catherine Beattie/Chief Julius school |
But when the Grade 10 student was offered the chance to visit Ottawa for a historical ceremony, she agreed.
Chief Julius school teacher Catherine Beattie said the trip was very educational, and four students travelled during the Easter long weekend in April.
Once in Ottawa, they participated in a weekend of ceremonies, which marked the 90th anniversary of the First World War battle, fought on French soil.
"It was pretty exhausting," Beattie said, adding the students left Fort McPherson by cab at 9 a.m. on April 6 and arrived in Ottawa 25 hours later at 10 a.m., just in time for the ceremonies.
Despite the travel, Nerysoo added she really enjoyed her first visit to Ottawa.
One picture supplied by Beattie showed the girls carrying their Gwich'in Nation flag in Ottawa's airport terminal, only steps away from the Inukshuk which greeted them.
"I think it's a good program, it should be done again in future years," she said.
As part of the ceremony, student Bobbi-Rose Koe got to lay a wreath near the tomb of Canada's Unknown Soldier.
The students also got to speak with Canada's Governor General, Michaelle Jean, who was present during the ceremonies.