Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Friday, May 11, 2007
INUVIK - For her many years working for women's rights in the NWT, Bertha Allen is now a member of the Order of Canada.
Allen was in Ottawa last week to receive the honour from Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean.

Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean presents Bertha Allen with the Order of Canada. Allen was in Ottawa last week to receive the honour. The award is given to people who have made outstanding contributions in their region. - photo courtesy of Sgt. Eric Jolin, Rideau Hall |
"I heard about it a few months ago, I was shocked when I heard," said Allen of receiving the award.
Allen said her work for women in the North began in 1976, when she was a founding member of the NWT Native Women's Association.
"We wanted women to have a leadership role in the arts and crafts industry," said Allen.
She said it was during the initial meeting of the group that it was decided that there was more work to be done in the North.
"When we gathered, the women knew that we had bigger problems, like social issues," said Allen.
"I did lots of social work back then, like working with women in workshops."
Allen got involved with the Native Women's Association because she said the women needed to be involved in the major issues.
"We had to be involved, to include all social, economic and political issues," said Allen.
Allen was the president of the association for many years.
"Women have come a long way in the North," she said.
Allen is happy with the way things are progressing, which she sees as different from years ago.
"In the past women were not heard," she said.
"They sat behind their men and the men made the decisions."
Allen said she didn't see many women in leadership roles when she was younger.
"There were not many women in power when I was growing up," said Allen.
"As we moved into modern life, I felt it was important for women to be involved."
Now Allen devotes her time to her family, where she is currently enjoying an easier life.
"I just stepped back and let others take on those roles," she said.
"I'm just enjoying retirement surrounded by my family."